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family photo

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Snow, snow, snow,  Where are you?  I really enjoy at least one good snowfall a year.  This year it is taking its time.  It is important to at least get snow in the mountains.  I pray it will soon come.  We decided a month ago to have the kids take ski lessons at a mountain a few hours away.  Usually we take them to our local ski resort.  The other mountain has a very good deal for homeschoolers and they always have good snow, so it was perfect.  It is close to where we used to live so the kids get to see old and dear friends.  Our local hill hasn't even opened yet so I'm glad we decided to go where we went.  David and the oldest four got to go and I had a relaxing day at home with Cassandra and Isabella.  Well, sort of relaxing with a puppy.  We generally don't start our kids skiing until they are four so Cassie has another year.

I've been really enjoying the Duggar's new book, "A Love That Multiplies."  They have a lot of wonderful words of wisdom for life, parenting and marriage.  I also get a kick out of their recipes.  In their last book, I really recommend the Duggar family rolls recipe.   One of the things I really enjoy is the reminder to spend time with the kids and not worry about things like trying to keep your house clean all the time and the other things we sometimes put in the way of being with our kids.  I love the saying they includes it goes something like, "if you're coming to see our family come any time.  If you are coming to see my house give me a couple weeks notice."  Have a great day.  Alicia


  1. I just happened across your blog a couple of weeks ago, and I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy looking at each new post and scrolling down through the older ones.I just love learning about you and your have been such a HUGE encouragement to me! Thank you and May God richly bless you!!!!
    K.W. - Maryland

  2. Thank you so much KW. God bless Alicia


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