family photo

family photo

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another New Driver

Well, we keep losing our drivers around here, but we are trying to make up for it.  Sierra just finished drivers ed and did extremely well.  As a homeschool mom I feel pressure that my kids will do well outside the home.  It is like they are representing all homeschoolers which really isn't fair to place that pressure on the student.  So, I just sat back and watched her take this all very serious.

Just before Sierra began driver's ed a friend's son was in a terrible accident.  He had been in a very serious motorcycle accident, caused by a truck turning in front of him on a 55 mph road.  Unfortunately he lost his right leg and his left femur was crushed.  Their son and their family have done amazing and have been rejoicing that it was just a leg and not his life.  The past weeks have been full of ups and downs.  Moments after his accident a Marine who was trained in Combat Medicine just happened upon the accident and also a nurse.  They were able to treat this young man before the ambulance got there.  He has had several surgeries and is not totally out of the woods but he knows God is with him.  I have to say their faith in God has been a great inspiration to me.   I know prayers are always welcome, that he will heal quickly and get home to his family.

This accident alerted Sierra to the seriousness of being an attentive driver.  The truck driver didn't even see the motorcycle.  I had Sierra drive me home from her class, after a quick stop for a treat, and she was a very cautious and alert driver.  I think it is good for all of us to remember how important it is to pay attention while we drive.

Sierra did awesome in her drivers ed class and finished at the top of the class.  She represented homeschooler well. :)  After class each day she would come home and study, work on homework, and do extra credit.  She took it all very serious.  Sometimes things just happen but I know she will be a good, attentive driver.  Now we have 6 months to drive with her before she actually gets her driver's license.  Then, yeah, we will have another driver in the family.  God is good and we pray protection over each of our children and David as they drive about in their daily lives.  I hope you are all having a blessed day.

Sierra with the keys.  How many new drivers get to drive a mighty Yukon.
It is a bit bigger then the driver's ed car.

Monday, July 20, 2015

One Month

Look at our handsome young man.  Had to update a couple pictures as he has aged and is now one month old and simply adorable.  Latisha and Brent are awesome at this parenting thing and it blesses me when Latisha mentions Brent reading August a book or Latisha just wanting to cuddle with him just a bit longer even though he is asleep.  They are cherishing every moment as we all should.  Cherish each moment with your loved ones today and God bless.

lovely family

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Wedding Pictures

Getting wedding pictures is like opening a gift.  Some are so wonderful and just bring back happy memories.  It becomes a bit addicting as I fight with my computer, trying to figure the trick to downloading them on my new photo ap apple changed without my approval.  I am pleased to now share some of my favorites.  Please enjoy the beautiful pictures.
God bless Alicia
These first set of pictures were actually taken after the wedding by a friend.  I thought they were great and wanted to share them also.

 Here are the beginning of the wedding day photos
Alex awaiting his bride

Ivy escorted by her daddy

Cassandra needed a few Kleenexes

The kiss

We parents, got to go and pray for them and their marriage

man and wife

The groomsmen guarding the way as Alex and Ivy had a moment before the
pictures that were before the wedding

Alexander awaiting his first sight of his bride

his bride approaches


He might have got a little choked up, that's my boy

Cassandra helping out :)

Silly picture with Brent and Alex

Sweet flower girls with blushing bride

The wedding party

our family

Us and our kiddos

David and I with our son and his bride

our kiddos

David and I

Both sides of the family

The lamplighters

Grandma Paula with the bride and groom

sweet moments
Check out Ivy's blog to see more. Joy in the Journey