family photo

family photo

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pine wood Derby

What a fun little weekend.  I am blessed to have such help in my life.  David, Alex and Latisha went to snow camp this weekend.  So, I was at home with the girls which I enjoy, but there were activities here also.  The pine wood derby was this weekend and because David was going to be gone I decided not to have the girls participate.  At the last moment I saw there was a work day at the church Friday night so I thought, I can do this, the girls really wanted to race.  David suggested I ask his step dad, Bill, for help.  I'm so glad I did.  Not only did their cars turn out great but Bill also took them too and from the work night and got the cars already for the race.  Then Saturday morning was junior Bible quiz team.  It hit me as the moms were dropping off their girls for Bright Lights the other week that all my drivers were going to be gone during the quiz match and I would need to pack up the little ones so Sierra and Danika would make their match.  One of the moms quickly volunteered to take the girls to and from the match and so I had nothing to worry about.  What a blessing.  Yes, I could have done it but I felt so blessed that others could help.  The quiz match went great and the girls did well.  Then the Derby was so much fun the next day.  Cassandra was so excited to be in her first race.  She didn't place but received one of the prizes for best looking.  Her first trophy.  Sierra's car did well and Danika took 2nd.  Last year Danika set a new track record but second place in her division is still good.  Thank you Lord for your blessing of great family, friends and church.  Have a great day.  God Bless

Cassie liked her trophy

Danika got with her trophy

Grandpa with the girls

Sierra taking her car up

Isabella watching the races.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year

No, we're not asian, but we get a kick out of celebrating the holiday anyway.  A couple friends of ours introduced the holiday to us several years ago and we love reasons to celebrate.  Their celebration was much more authentic then ours, it helps if your asian, but we still love to get out the chinese food and chopsticks, and everyone is happy.  We had stir fry for lunch.  Then we googled fortune cookies and decided to put a bit of a twist on it.  We found scriptures with blessings and wrote those out and put them in our home made cookies.  Our first attempts weren't quite right but eventually we got it.  Then we worked together to make orange chicken, won tons, and egg rolls, those were from packages (we did make our own sweet and sour sauce).  Unfortunately, dinner got interrupted with a trip to the emergency room.  All is well now.  The trip wasn't because of the food.  :)  The dessert was fun because we had to improvise.  When we made the cookies I didn't have any almond flavoring so we used banana flavoring.  I thought it added a nice flavor.  The girls got to dress up in their asian clothes from our dear friend, Ms Lien and all was well.  Hope you enjoy the pictures.  Have a blessed day.  Alicia

Searching for blessings in the Bible

our first attempt

still working on it

much better

Latisha's happy
cute outfits

dinner almost served

the finished product

Monday, January 23, 2012

One Year

Today is the anniversary of my first post.  It has been fun to chronicle my last year and share with you the ups, downs, and daily thoughts.  I began this blog on the advise of a friend.  She had one and thought it was fun.  It has been fun.  There are things that I wish to share with others.  Words of encouragement and thoughts about God and life and God's purpose for life.  I'm sure not all agree with my thoughts but it has been fun to see my stats go up and down and think, "Well, maybe I encouraged someone out there."  One of my goals is to speak to my kids.  I want to let my children know what is on Mama's mind and maybe learn something :).  They get a kick out of their birthday blogs, and they liked to read mom's perspective on their birth and life to date.  My biggest goal is to encourage someone into a closer walk with God.  As we all struggle with the balance of faith, marriage, kids, family, job, education, church, cooking, cleaning, and I could go on and on, may we find God's plan for each of these areas and seek His Word on all things.  May we commit our whole life to God and not hold anything back for ourselves but surrender all to Him, our Blessed Savior.  What a blessed year.  I look forward to all that is ahead.  God bless.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

The snow is gone

Well, it was beautiful but is gone.
The remains of our snowmen

The mountains still have snow and that is very good.  The girls were sad to watch their snowmen slowly melt.

In my Bible reading I read 1 Chronicles 20.  David has prepared the material for the temple and has planned it as the Lord has directed.  He is not allowed to build it but has made it ready for his son Solomon.    He encourages his son "Be strong and of good courage, and do it:  fear not, nor be dismayed: for the Lord God, even my God, will be with thee;  he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou has finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord."  1Corinthian 3:16 tells us that we are the temple of God.  I think these scriptures are beautiful together.  You are the temple of the Lord, as are your offspring, so be strong and of good courage. Do what God has commissioned you, such as building up Godly offspring, don't fear, God is with you and he will not fail or forsake you.  He will finish his work.  Speaking of Courage, if you haven't seen "Courageous" I highly recommend you see.  It  is one I want to add to my library.  My husband and the girls have also enjoyed listening to the book on cd during their trip to the ski hill and recommend it also. Have a glorious day.  God Bless


Saturday, January 21, 2012


 "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.  The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak."  Mark 14:38.  We are working on the Character trait alertness and we recite this verse in a rhythm, now I can't get it out of my mind.  It makes me smile.  All the sudden I just start saying it out loud as I am walking along.

So this morning I made one of my favorite breakfast, Baked Oatmeal.  Actually it is a family favorite.  One of my favorite camps is the Living Waters Ranch.  It is a beautiful camp with amazing camp food.  The facility is lovely and comfortable and the faculty is so friendly.  I whole heartedly recommend them.  Visit their website at  It is perfect for family reunions, church retreats, marriage retreats, etc.  They have hotel rooms, Hosanna building (where there are individual rooms around a meeting and kitchen area), bunks rooms and condos, and so much more.  They make the Baked Oatmeal as one of their breakfast foods and I was so excited to see that they share their recipe.  It is
Baked Oatmeal
1 cup oil
2 tsp salt
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup wite sugar
4 eggs
1 tblsp and 1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
5 cups regular oats
2 cups milk
In mixer, thoroughly combine all  ingredients except milk.  Mix in milk.  Pour into greased 10" x 15" pan.  Bake 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees, or until firm to the touch and golden brown on top.  Serve with sliced peaches and 1/2 and 1/2 or milk.

Obviously Isabella really enjoyed it as did Buddy.

 Have a great day and God bless.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Finally a Little Snow

I enjoy snow.  Everything looks so clean and pretty.  My kids enjoy it even more.  The news said that there was a major snowstorm coming.  It was to arrive during the night or early morning.  I woke up and not a drop of snow.  Then about a half an hour later boom, lovely white flakes started coating the ground.  Within the hour the ground was covered.  Not thinking it much of a big deal I encouraged Alex to head off to school.  On his way he watched cars sliding around and one actually slid off the road.  Quite exciting.  We got some school work done, then the kids ran out to play while I made lunch.  They came in quite cold but ventured out after lunch, each with their own task ahead.  Latisha helped Cassandra make a few more snowmen and Danika helped Sierra shovel Alex's drive way.  She was concerned for him.  I made a stew for tonight and my house smells great.  Thank you Lord for the snow.  Hopefully, the hills are getting all they need.  Hope you enjoyed your day.  God Bless

Isabella so cute in her suit, but didn't stay out very long

My very excited daughters

The puppy thought the snow a bit cold and kept trying to sit on the girls

Cassandra's first snowman

The horses were so fun to watch.  The were having a great time.

And this one is for...

The girls making a path for Alex

our snowman line up.

Friday, January 13, 2012

New Growth

Well another Friday ski/board day.  My husband and older kiddos are up on the hill, except for Alexander who is back in classes and working hard on the College's Spring production.  The little girls and I have been able to have a very relaxing day and they are in the process of having a much needed nap.   We had been outside but Cassandra needed to go potty now.  So in we went and about at the same time both girls decided to have a melt down.  It was an hour before nap time so I was a little taken back and tried to settle them to a new project but that was not working.   So, early naps it is.

While I was outside I walked around my plants, observing what is going on with them.  Plants are amazing.  One plant thrives while another one dies.  I can't seem to figure out what makes one live and another die.  It was so encouraging to see little buds on most of my plants.  How exciting to know in a few months they will flower and grow and some will produce fruit.  It reminds me of the parable of the soils.  Luke 8:4-15 tells us about a sower who went out sowing seed.  Some fell on good ground and produced and some didn't.  Maybe it is the soil of my plants that cause them to be healthy or not.  Can the soil be so different throughout my yard?  What about my family, is the soil different?  As parents we need to be trying our best to see that our children have good soil in their life.  What makes up the soil?  I believe it is, in part, how we raise them and what we allow in their lives.  God has given us new life when he gives us a baby.  We are entrusted with the major responsibility of sowing the seed (which is the word of God, Luke 8:11) in their hearts.  Let us do our best to not only sow the seed  but also to nourish their hearts and remove rocks, and weeds from their lives that will choke or prevent the seed from proper growth.  Parents, grandparents, siblings, family and friends, let us protect our children from the influences of this world which are of the devil.  When the word of God is sown on the good ground, which is an honest and good heart, having heard the word, may they keep it, and may they bring forth fruit with patience.  (Luke 8:15)  Have a great day and God bless.

Look for the bud, the hope of new growth.

Buds on my apple tree, the hope of new fruit.

our little puppy

my sleeping beauty.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Snow, snow, snow,  Where are you?  I really enjoy at least one good snowfall a year.  This year it is taking its time.  It is important to at least get snow in the mountains.  I pray it will soon come.  We decided a month ago to have the kids take ski lessons at a mountain a few hours away.  Usually we take them to our local ski resort.  The other mountain has a very good deal for homeschoolers and they always have good snow, so it was perfect.  It is close to where we used to live so the kids get to see old and dear friends.  Our local hill hasn't even opened yet so I'm glad we decided to go where we went.  David and the oldest four got to go and I had a relaxing day at home with Cassandra and Isabella.  Well, sort of relaxing with a puppy.  We generally don't start our kids skiing until they are four so Cassie has another year.

I've been really enjoying the Duggar's new book, "A Love That Multiplies."  They have a lot of wonderful words of wisdom for life, parenting and marriage.  I also get a kick out of their recipes.  In their last book, I really recommend the Duggar family rolls recipe.   One of the things I really enjoy is the reminder to spend time with the kids and not worry about things like trying to keep your house clean all the time and the other things we sometimes put in the way of being with our kids.  I love the saying they includes it goes something like, "if you're coming to see our family come any time.  If you are coming to see my house give me a couple weeks notice."  Have a great day.  Alicia