family photo

family photo

Saturday, June 30, 2012


It has been a while since my last post.  So, a little update.  First Isabella had her hearing test and it just showed a mild hearing loss.  They feel many other test could be done.  As a parent it is so hard to find what is necessary.  It would be so nice if there was just one test that answered all questions.  Maybe she just isn't ready to talk and all this other stuff is unnecessary.  I was very frustrated the other day and my husband reminded me, "she is so happy and isn't that what we really want."  Happy she is and that I do want.  She is a very happy and loving girl, that is so great, and I am so thankful for her joy and just to have her in my life.  So on our way home from her test I had a little talk with her.  "Ok, now I know you can hear me, no more getting away with ignoring me."  :)

 We had a princess day for our Bright Lights group the other day.  The girls loved dressing up and some even wore tiaras.  One girls asked if we could do this every week.  We are also setting up a BL conference and that is very exciting.
 We got to go camping with some friends and the kids enjoyed fun boating.

Wish you could hear the screams of delight.  :)

Alex and his friend boarding

Cassie loved the boats.
 Isabella got her first full pony tail.  So cute.
 Canned some cherries, froze some and made dessert with some.
 My wonderful friend Amy, heard of a lady getting rid of her raspberry bushes.  It is something I really wanted.  I can't believe how much they cost in the store and even a plant is around $7 a piece.  So as we dug them up we started laughing $7, $14, $21...  Lots of fun.  Hope this weather is not to hot and they will transplant well.
here is my garden growing and producing.  So exciting.  

We are blessed with such great family, friends, ministry and so much more.  It is so good to know God has all the answers we need and He is more than enough.  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. "  This was going over and over in my head yesterday.  I don't know that I have ever memorized or paid a lot of attention to this prayer but yesterday I knew it and prayed it well.  The last while at our home has been challenging to say the least.  We are unsure what or if Isabella can hear and the therapist, doctors and paper work I have gone through has been a bit overwhelming.  I only want to know what is going on and what we can do about it but it all takes sooooo long.  After leaving a doctors office yesterday I was pondering what she had said, "there is something definitely wrong" and "I don't think she can hear anything,"  and more test in a "timely manner."  Once in my car the familiar tears came and the words sent a series of whats and what ifs that I don't have answers too and apparently neither does anyone else.  But God does.  And this prayer came to me.  I wondered if those were the actual words and they were.  I opened my Bible to where I was in my reading this morning, there is a devotional section on the edges and guess what was printed there in black and white?  The Serenity prayer.  The prayer of my heart yesterday and today.  God is so good.  He know what we need and confirms his companionship with us.  So today I pray again "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.  In Jesus name, Amen"  God bless you all and know he is with you no matter what.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Psalms 37

This scripture just jumped out at me the other day and it is good for today, so I'll share with you and maybe it will be an encouragement to you also.  "Trust in the Lord and do good; so shat thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.  Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.  And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.  Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.  Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil."  Psalms 37:3-8.

A few days ago we got to go to the zoo with our dear friends.  I don't know that I really paid much attention to the animals I was just enjoying time with my friend and our kids.   I got some cute pictures hope you enjoy.

God Bless


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Homeschool Conference

A little while ago, I went to my first homeschool conference.  I have been homeschooling from the beginning but have never made it to a conference.  It always occurs the same weekend as Alexander's or Cassandra's birthday and our Girls Ministry District awards.  I have been missing out.  The encouragement of being with so many people that share the same passion and commitment to God and Family just really blessed me.  Apparently this was one of, if not the largest homeschool conference our state has ever had.  The work that goes into this convention was apparent and it has blessed so many.  I did leave for a couple hours to make it to the District awards to watch my daughters and 4 of my Stars Graduate students get their awards but then I hurried back to hear the final keynote speaker.   I enjoyed walking around seeing the booths and the smiling families.  A couple of my friends were there and it was fun to share time with them.  I started asking other homeschoolers to see if they had ever attended a conference and most had not.  Imagine how many could have been there if this was but a fragment of our area.  I was so bubbly that that night at a graduation party I had to share with all, the things I had learned.  It was such an encouragement and I'm glad David and I were able to attend.

One of the keynote speakers was Michael Farris.  I just really appreciated all he had to say.  He is the founder of Patrick Henry College, defender of Parental Rights, father of 10 children and so much more.  I enjoyed soaking up his wealth of knowledge and fervor for the Lord, family and our nation.  I encourage you to check out the sight to find out more.

This has been a strange season.  One day we turn on the heater the next the air conditioning.  Today is a great day.  We don't need air or heat, it's just lovely.  Thought I would throw in a couple pictures.  I always love pictures in blogs and hope you do too.

The girls' train

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Cassandra

Cassandra is another year older.  It was a bit confusing.  Grandma took her to a birthday breakfast last week and she thought that meant she had her birthday and was now four.  So, when her birthday came and she had her party she couldn't have been more excited.  A couple funnies were:  one of her friends gave her her gift and said "it's a book."  It was.  Then as they were eating cake and ice cream she looked around and said, "no one has said 'happy Birthday to me.' "  To which her cousin quickly said "Happy birthday, Cassie."  Cassie said "anyone else."  Then her cousin looked to her friend and said "you're supposed to say happy birthday."  Their cute little voices teaching each other "etiquette"  was just so cute.    I love our little Cassie girl tremendously and am thankful for all the joy and laughter she brings to our family.  Happy Birthday Cassandra!   "The Lord bless thee, and  keep thee:  The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:  The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace."  Number 6:24-26

Latisha decorated this cute cake

Cassandra wanted everything pink and purple

Latisha and Sierra made the girls flower balloons

Alex and Cassandra shared their family birthday

"on the count of three Cassie..."

our little cutie

Such a precious blessing

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy Birthday, Alexander

All dressed up 

18 years ago after his life flight adventure.  Thankyou Lord for protecting our son.
Another year older.  Wow how time flies.  I was going through the morning pondering what was happening at this time 19 years ago.  Obviously, 19 years ago,  I had little idea of the adventure ahead.  We are so blessed to have Alexander as our son.  My nick name for him has always been sonshine.  That is what he is to so many, a ray of sunshine and for me, my sonshine.  This last year Alex completed his first full year of  college.  He did quite well and enjoyed the college life.  Now he is working hard long days for a painter in hopes of raising more money for the year ahead.  We look forward to this next year.  God Bless you my son, He which hath begun a good work in you will complete it.  (Philippians 1:6)