family photo

family photo

Monday, June 29, 2015

Weeds and Gardens

 I have planted my garden and I am now spending time taking out the weeds so the little plants can grow into big healthy plants that produce and feed our family.  The weeds are never totally under control but if I keep up with things, they are manageable.  I used to sprinkle grass clippings on my garden to keep down the weeds.  The kids complained how it smelled.  So for the past few years I have just fought the battle of the weeds.  Really, the smell was only temporary but the weeding was dramatically decreased.  Since I stopped putting the clippings on the garden I have spent hours, and hours out there weeding.  This year I have started back with the grass clippings and wow what a difference my weeding time is.  The grass clippings smother most of those nasty little weeds and I have more time to enjoy my family and maybe even write a little blog post.

To me this is how the word of God (Bible) and prayer is in our life.  If we can spend a little time every day spreading the word of God in our hearts and seek God first then we can smoother the weeds that try to root and grow in our life.   It is important to do the same with our children.  We make decisions daily on what and who they can spend their time with.  Trying our best to smother the weeds we see taking root and growing in their lives and protecting them so that they can grow into the person God has desired them to be.

I have found that certain plants have weeds that grow next to them that sometimes resemble them. It can be hard to tell the difference between the plant and the weed at first.  That is similar to us.  Unfortunately some of the special characteristics that God has created in us have weeds that look like our characteristics.  If we continue to allow these similar in appearance weeds to grow next to us they will smoother and kill our Christian walk and testimony. An example would be someone who is aggressive and has no problem speaking the "truth", can justify their actions of rudeness by saying that God created them this way, when in actuality God created them to speak boldly His truth to those who are in desperate need.  The weed in that person's life would be to go about wounding and distancing those around them, boldly speaking the way they see things and not using wisdom.  Someone who is quiet and meek can hide themselves in a lifestyle that has no contact with others and withdraw into their own home, forsaking time with other Christians like the one in the above example who offends them and this quite and meek person can decide that God no longer cares about them.  The opposite is true, God gave them that quite spirit to reach those the loud aggressive person could never reach.

We were all created for God's good purpose.  If a person feels they were created in a way that is actually sin according to Gods holy word, then they are deceived and have allowed the weed that looks similar to them, to grow next to them and choke out the plan that God actually created for them.  God had a purpose for that individual to use their temperament for his Glory not for evil to abound.  Let's us not forget the other enemy of our lives/gardens, those pesky bugs who come to destroy.  People can be bugs in our lives that encourage us in sin and away from God's truth.  God have mercy on our nation and help us to call sin - sin and good - good.  God did not create you for sin but for his glory.  I wish people would stop using the excuse that God created me this way to justify sin.  We were not created to live in the sinful nature but in the Spirit.  Galatians 5:16-26 says:

16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery,[a] fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders,[b] drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

And here is the important part...

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who areChrist’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

As Christians we must read the word of the Lord and follow God's leading in our life so that we know right from wrong.  If Jesus is your Lord, don't you want to follow his instructions.  After all God has saved us from sin not so we can continue there but that we might grow and flourish in the life he has planned for us.   From the time of Adam and Eve sin has been passed down.  We all have inherited this trait.  Your sin temptations may be different from mine but through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we are all overcomes.  Sin is sin, no matter how big or small and without the covering of Jesus Christ through faith we are all on the wrong road.  I know the sinful traps in my life and I must work hard at pulling them out, but when I immerse myself in the Word of God (Bible), and seek God through prayer, then the traps in my life don't have a chance.  I have a dear friend who I find great encouragement.  I have told her at different times struggles in my life and she always directs me back to how she finds things so much better when she spends time in daily Bible reading and in prayer.  This truly helps.  So may I encourage you, seek the Lord with all your heart, talk to him daily, and read your Bible.  It is so important that we know what we are saying when we claim to be Christians (Christ Like), it means to be a follower of Christ and there is no other better person to be.  Have a blessed day.


Wanted to add a little photo of our little love
Watching my garden grow
and grow
and grow

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Our First Grand Baby "August"

How exciting and wonderful it is to be grandparents. This new little life that resembles our own babies but also resembles his daddy's family, is so amazing.  God is so good.  I am the Grandma, so I will give the grandma version of the delivery.

Latisha had taken Isabella to therapy Tuesday, so we got to spend some of the day with her.  There comes a time in a pregnancy when you can look at someone and know the delivery will be soon.  She was doing good but it looked like it was about time to have a baby.  That night I left my phone by my bed.  I had put it on vibrate and David did not hear it when at 4:45 am it began to vibrate.  I heard it and I believe my heart skipped a couple beats as I quickly grabbed it to see it was Brent.  He said that there was only one reason he would be calling me at this time in the morning.  I was so excited.  My brain was trying to search for the questions I knew I should be asking but I was having a hard time focusing.  I finally got out that Latisha's water had broke at 1:45, she had waited about 45 minutes to wake Brent, then she labored at home for a bit and now they were at the hospital with contractions every 3 minutes.  I said I would be right there and ran into "go" mode.  I was planning on throwing on clothes and heading to the car with a pony tail but David came in very sleepily and began shaving.  "You're shaving," I said, "I think we need to leave."  I decided to do a very quick hair do and was ready before he was.  I asked him to please finish getting ready in the car and I would drive.  Ok, I might have been a little anxious.

When we got to the hospital, I wanted to run in but David kept me under control.  Yes, I was very excited.  I felt I had not asked the right questions to Brent and every story of speedy deliveries, and screaming women was going through my head.  We went to the delivery floor of the hospital where I explained my daughter Latisha was in there.  The lady looked at her computer and asked me again what her name was.  I said it again, but I kept saying her maiden name.  David corrected me and the nurse explained to me how very important it was that I and everyone after me use the right name.

Finally, I got to go see my daughter who was in pain but very in control.  Between contractions she chatted but then when the contraction came she would grab the side of her bed and occasionally say "owie."  I totally could feel what she was going through.  Brent did a great job and remained very calm.  The doctor had to find a sitter and then was driving during rush hour.  We were pretty sure Latisha was fully dialated but the nurses said they would wait until the doctor got there to check.  After a while the doctor arrived. Sure enough, she was ready and it was time to deliver a baby.  I was the camera person and got to video tape.  The nurse went through a very long speech to Brent about how he needed to breath and if he felt any tingling to sit down.  Apparently it is very common for husbands to faint.  As she was standing next to Brent, Latisha would hold her breath to push and Brent might have held his breath too.  The nurse kept reminding him to breath, I laughed and told her apparently I was doing the same thing.

Then to all of our delight little August Nathaniel came into this world at 8:59 am.  Soooo wonderfully and fearfully made.  What a blessing.  Latisha held her little gift for a while.  The doctor had guessed he was 7 to 7 1/2 pounds, but now she said he was probably 7 or less.  I said he was 6 pounds 8 ounces.  They placed him on the scale and sure enough he was 6 pounds 8 ounces.  The doctor was impressed with my ability.  :)  The kids all came in and spent a few minutes seeing their new nephew, then we took them home to give the new parents time alone with their baby.

We are very excited with this new little guy and would be over there every day but we are being patient and looking forward to each moment we get to snuggle this little blessing.  He is wonderful. Mama, Daddy and baby are doing wonderful and are very happy.  Well, that is my side of the story.  I hope you enjoy the pictures.  I'm sure there will be more to come.  Have a great day and God bless.


daddy and his boy

Mama and her baby

Me with my grand baby

Lovin baby 

The happy family

New grandpa

Happy Auntie...

and another happy auntie...

and another happy auntie

Aidric really was thrilled and didn't want to stop holding August

My, Daughter, Grand baby and me.

Our happy group

Glowing mama.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

He's Here

August Nathaniel was born yesterday.  He woke his mama up bright and early to enter this world on the day his daddy told him to come, with a short labor.  Latisha did an amazing job birthing her first baby and we are so very excited to be grandparents.  He is an adorable little guy, 6 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches long, with a great head of hair.  More photos to come, but may I gratefully introduce Brent and Latisha's baby....

Have a blessed day.  God is so good.  


Monday, June 15, 2015

And the Adventure Continues

As I have stated before life is an adventure, some of life's adventures are ones we look forward to and some are ones we would like to avoid, and some times they are both.  Things don't always go as we hope or plan.  In an ideal life we would have everything happy and joyous full of perfect people who never say or do things that offend us, and we all just get along, and there are no good byes, or tears, or frustrations.  hum.  But that I hope is heaven, and this is here.  Here we get on each others nerves, we find out the people we think are amazing turn out to have flaws, to get to the joyous time we have to go through some tears, and good byes can be painful.  I guess these things help us grow and become who God wants us to be if we allow him to work in our lives.

So, I am going through growing pains again.  :)  It feels like we have been saying good by to our son for the past four years.  First it was his high school graduation, a joyous time but also a time of letting go as God directed Alex's path.  Not too bad as he stayed in town to go to school.  Then Alex decided God was leading him to a college over 1500 miles away.  Those good byes were a little harder and our family, being a bit on the emotional side, always shared a bit of tears.  Once again we were happy for the adventure Alexander was embarking on but we hated to see one of our own leave.  Then there was the wedding and releasing him to be the leader of his own family and no longer just my baby boy, but a man of God that was now a husband.  Well today we said another good by.  Once again another good by that is both something we have looked forward to and prayed for but also a bit painful.  The newlyweds and families loaded up their belongings and off they go to their next adventure.   This is the opening of the dream that God placed in Alex's heart many years ago.  I watch in awe as God opens petal by petal the plans he has for Alex.  This is his first paid position as a youth pastor and music pastor.  Two of the passions of Alex's heart.  It is so exciting as he embarks on this new chapter of his life.  Will God keep them there for the next little while or will they be there for the rest of their lives?  We shall see.  Yes, I had tears as he said his good byes, but they are both happy and sad tears.  Tears that say I am so excited for your new adventure, I wish it could be a bit closer, but God knows what is best for Alex and Ivy, and I rejoice in all God has in store for them.

Well, here are some more picture of the last week and of Latisha's progress.  Latisha's and Brent's baby will be here soon and we are so excited.  We are so blessed that we haven't had to have good byes with Brent and Latisha, but you never know what God has in store for them.  Have a blessed day,
Cars packed, Uhaul trailer already on the road, and now off they go.

Danika and Aidric waving good by

Cassandra waving good by 

Sierra and Isabella saying good by

Just before they left we took a little camping trip, here my daddy
is teaching Aidric the correct way to make and eat smores.

Quite the fire pit

My mom and Aidric

The newly weds headed off down a path

Sierra and Isabella enjoying a little time by the river

Isn't she just glowing!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Home School Conference and Parties

Wow what a week!  Unfortunately for me homeschool conference happens on one of the busiest weekends of the year.  So, I have only been able to attend a couple times.  Wednesday, we had Alex and Cassandra's family birthday party.  Thursday we baked and cleaned and decorated for Cassandra's friends party.   She wanted a amusement park theme birthday, complete with a roller coaster, needless to say, that didn't happen.  There aren't very many roller coasters around here for rent. So we went for Carnival games and it turned out just fine.

Friday was the first day of the homeschool convention.  It is always the same weekend of our girls ministry awards ceremony and either Alex or Cassandra's birthday, but it is such a blessing to me I try to make a way to go.  This year I felt so encouraged by the convention and just really felt so much of what was said, I needed to hear.  It is so worth taking the time and going to it.  I was pleased with each class I went to and really enjoyed walking through all the vendors and looking at all they had to offer.   Probably one of the best part is being with other homeschool families and being encouraged with similar visions for our families.  One of the speakers introduced himself as a father of 8 kids, paused and then said, normally when I speak there is a gasp when I say how many children I have but in a homeschool conference no one even blinks an eye.  No, it isn't that all the families are supper sized but it also isn't odd.  I just love being around other homeschool families that all get the same jokes, struggles, encouragements, and vision.  Seriously just brightens my day and puts a bounce in my step.  Love it!!!  I had to leave early on Friday to get back for Cassandra's birthday party.  The party turned out great and I think the kids had a good time.

Then the next morning David got to join me and we got to enjoy the homeschool convention sessions together and some a part.  At lunch we went out just the two of us and shared what we had learned in our separate sessions.  It was a good thing to compare and discuss what we had been learning.   I think it was good for both of us.  I highly advise homeschool conventions for all homeschoolers and those interested in homeschool.  It is a great way to be encouraged in carring out the commissions in Deuteronomy 11:18-21, Deuteronomy chapter 6 and Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  What a great way to train up you children in the way of the Lord, by being with them and being their teacher.  I am so blessed with a husband who shares this vision and with the Lord being our Provider, as we seek to honor Him and raise Godly offspring.  (Malachi 2:15)

Have a blessed day.

Alexander and Cassandra

Yes, I do appear to be helping them blow out their candles from afar.
We had warm crockpot cake so I put icing on a plate and put the candle
on that.  It worked.  

Friday, June 5, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday to our Cassie Girl!

I am sitting here watching Cassandra's baby video.  It is a tradition in our home to watch baby videos of the birthday child on or near their birthday.  After four kids we were thinking we were done, but God placed a strong desire on my heart for another child.  I thought people would think we were crazy so I kept the desire to myself.  Once I finally got over worrying about what other people thought and decided it was more important to follow God, we had a beautiful baby girl.  I am watching myself holding her in the video and I was just gazing at the miracle in my arms with my hubby close by my side.  Truly we were and are blessed.  I am so thankful for Cassandra and glad she is in our lives.  What a joy she brings to our family.  Her love for life and creativity entertains us and bring us joy to our life.  Cassandra is such a busy loving girl who brings a smile to those around her.  We love you Cassandra, Happy Birthday! God bless and have a great day.

This is Cassandra's favorite pictures, she says she likes the way her eyes are in it.