family photo

family photo

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Our Daughter is a Mrs.

God is so good.  The wedding came and went just like we knew it would, and it was almost perfect.  You plan and prepare, then it is here, and then it is gone.  I woke up the next morning thinking that was one of my favorite weddings ever.  We were so blessed as God answered our prayers.  The wedding day was beautiful and God graciously sent a lovely breeze to keep things from getting too hot.  There was more than enough food. The only thing we ran out of were the cake balls.  Latisha made her cake and it was beautiful and didn't fall.  We had so many people helping out and my most amazing 7 1/2 month pregnant friend, Amy, just took charge and oversaw so much that I can't express enough gratitude to her.  Not to mention Ivy, Latisha's made of honor did an amazing job.  Alli and Marissa have been there helping every step of the way and have been so wonderful.  Our parents and siblings also gave so much help, and our church family helped us pull every thing off wonderfully. I could go on and on, but the help we received was such a blessing and we are so grateful.

The week went wonderful.  Thursday was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.

 Then Saturday we continued with food preparations.  I was getting nervous about how much food we needed.  We had over 300 rsvp and I had never cooked for that many.  So I started to google how much food I would need.  Let me just say the sources I found must focus on the very hungry adult.  I think when you factor in kids and several sides you could almost half what you find on the internet.  We filled several gallon baggies with left over meatballs, pulled pork, fruit, and salads. The sad thing is most of that will not keep so I wish I would have handed it out to my helpers after the wedding, but everything just got loaded and is now sitting in my refrigerators.  I was soooo glad that it went that way and not the other.
Look at my happy helpers.  So blessed.  Here Latisha is starting to frost her four layer cake

Brent even jumped in and pealed many potatoes.
 Sunday evening we had a bbq for our helpers and family.

The girls acted out the proposal, Mad Lib style, replacing a few words with misc
word they got from the audience.  Like instead of Latisha driving to Brent's car
she drove to his airplane...

Here Brent and Latisha are watching the show

With most of the family present we couldn't pass up photo ops.
This is David's side of the family

Here is my side
 Then the work began bright and early Monday morning.  Latisha did not want to see Brent until the ceremony so he had the morning off, but all others were there and working hard.  We only had a few hours and much to do.
Here the groomsmen are decorating the gazebo

Bridesmaid and friends working on the aisle

Next the sound system

family decorating tables

Latisha finishing the cake

My dad helping me with food
 Then the ceremony was to start.  We had a lovely turn out.  I went to my place to be escorted by my son Alexander but the bridesmaids were not yet to their spot.  We waited and could hear my youngest son wailing.  So, unfortunately we didn't get to have him carry the rings down and he got to enjoy the wedding from inside the building.  I was escorted by Alex, the grooms parents joined me and the grooms mom and I lit the unity candles.  Then the gorgeous bridesmaids and groomsmen came down, the flower girls, and then my husband escorted our beautiful daughter to her husband soon to be.  There were smiles, laughs, and tears through the ceremony and is was wonderful.  One man, one woman united in holy matrimony.

Daddy and Daughter

Husband and Wife
 The pastor did a wonderful job speaking on marriage and the duties of the husband and wife.  They exited with a choreographed routine to music that brought lots of laughs and cheers.  The reception was lovely and then off they went.  It was so wonderful to be surrounded by so many family and friends.  Truly we are blessed.  They are now on their honeymoon in California and ready to begin their life as husband and wife.   These picture are not the professional ones, so I hope to post some more soon.   God bless and keep these two that You have joined together.
Bride and Bridesmaids 
Have a lovely day.

Monday, May 19, 2014

7 More Days

Quick wedding update.  We are getting so excited as we are in the final week of wedding preparations. Things are coming together and we delight in the upcoming marriage of our daughter.  "The Voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the Lord of Hosts: for the Lord is good; for his mercy endureth forever. " Jeremiah 33:11.  Blessed be the Lord.

We have made around 1,000 meat balls, 100 cake balls (for the groom's cake), and over 40 pounds of pulled pork.  I so appreciate all the help from friends.  Each day this week another project is planned and before we know it the happy couple  will be off on their honeymoon and a new marriage will have begun.  Here are a couple pictures to share of us making meat balls.  Tip of the day:  I couldn't find the low fat hamburger to make the first few batch of meatballs and they crinkled all up.  I found some low fat hamburger later, and those meatballs are beautifully rounded.  Hopefully no one will judge me based on the shape of my meatballs, he he he.  They truly started out beautiful.  Have a blessed day.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day/Bridal Shower

Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely moms out there.  It is a day to celebrate, the gift of life and those who choose to bring others into this world and raise them with God's help. I have been blessed today with flowers from my son Alex, bubble bath and scrub from Latisha, and gardening supplies and cards from the rest.  I truly am been blessed with wonderful children.  It was a little sad to think this is probably the last time I will have all my kids together to serve me breakfast in bed on Mother's day morning.  The wedding is approaching and Latisha is getting ready to leave the nest.  Yikes. :)

Today I also celebrate having one of the greatest woman in the world as my mom.  My sister and I took her out to dinner last night and were terribly shocked when we left to see that we had just spent 3 1/2 hours talking and eating at the restaurant.  Good food, great company, good times.

Yesterday was also a big day as it was Latisha's bridal shower.  What an amazing job her Maid of Honor did planning it and her bridesmaids and others helping help. We have spent the last few days cooking for the shower and really, the last couple months preparing.  Then it came and was over, just like that.  It was very good.  My son had asked me a couple months ago how I was doing with Latisha leaving soon and I told him fine and quite excited for her.  Now though I find myself looking at the end of this season of having her here everyday and yes, I have started to get quite emotional, but I am truly so happy for her and am so blessed to have Brent joining our family. One of my favorite parts of the shower was having her future mother-in-law pray for her as we all gathered around.  I am so grateful that she prayed, because at that moment I'm not sure I could talk.  What a blessing. Here are some picture of the shower before and after that I took.  We had another lady taking pictures during the shower so I look forward to seeing those pictures soon.

this is the gift table the night before. The next day it was filled and overflowing.
We also put pictures in the heart stand of Latisha and Brent growing up

It had a Paris theme,

The next morning this table was filled with quiche and fruit

This table was filled with creme puffs, zucchini bread, lemon poppy seed bread, and
coffee cake.

and this table had beverages

unfortunately my picture of the centerpiece got lost but this was a nice corner.

The lovely sisters

Mom and the Bride to Be

She looked so lovely and was very blessed by friends and family 
Hopefully I can share more pictures later.  I hope you have all had a blessed day.
