family photo

family photo

Monday, January 1, 2018

Christmas Holiday 2017 pt 2

Christmas morning was very fun and exciting. Brent, Latisha, and kiddos joined us for present opening.  I was quite impressed as they were up and at our home bright and early, that is very impressive with a new baby.  Alex, Ivy and Weston had spent the night, so the whole crew got to enjoy the morning.  It was so much fun and we were all blessed by the generosity of each other.

We enjoyed our traditional blueberry pancake breakfast, cleaned, made dinner, cleaned, played a couple games, and just really enjoyed time together.  It was so nice to have Alex and Ivy there safe and sound.  They had a long trip the day before.  They had a lot of snow in their travels and icy roads.  So Christmas day was such a blessing to have all our family there safe and sound.  This past year we added two new grand babies to our family and it was very special to be able to celebrate their first Christmas's together.
Christmas pjs

Such a cute family

All of us, so fun to try to get the perfect picture

My boy and his lovely family

1 comment:

  1. So many wonderful memories made! It was so fun having everyone together. thanks for sharing the pictures!
    Latisha Walter :)


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