family photo

family photo

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Bella Bear

I don't know exactly how that nick name came about, but for the last several years Isabella has been my "Bella Bear."  I guess, kind of like my "beautiful teddy bear," she is so beautiful and cuddly as a teddy bear.

Today I took Isabella to therapy, because of Isabella's new seizure medicine she has been going through very tired moments.  At her therapy, she was quite compliant (not always normal) and extremely cuddly.  She kept trying to hug the therapist and at one moment decided to sit on the ground.  The therapist followed her lead and sat on the ground to do therapy on the floor.  Isabella liked this and decided to collapse on the therapist lap and suck her thumb.  Not real productive but it was cute.  In the evenings she likes to get her soft blanket and take it to Sierra, signifying she would like to sit and cuddle. Therefor she is our cuddly teddy bear.

Bella Bear, has had such ups and downs with her seizures.  We would be good for a while then she would have a seizure here and there and eventually they would increase her meds.  She finally maxed out on the dosage and started having seizures.  We had to change medicine.  The first dosage was too low and she had a seizure, so they increased it and the seizures stopped. Her new medicine comes with side effects that we are not happy with.  Isabella has frequent moments where she is quite tired and not "all there," her eyes have occasions where they are very sensitive to light, and she has angry outbursts.  I asked our neurologist if we should cut back on the dosage and they agreed.  Isabella immediately had another seizure.  I asked if we could change medicine and they suggested another medicine that we will need to monitor her with a blood draw and it could have the same side effects.  Yikes.  Because Isabella is nonverbal she can't understand why we draw her blood and it is incredibly traumatic on us both.  There is no easy answer and as the parent it is "up to me" what we do.  Double Yikes!!!  Too many decisions.

I hate seizures.  Why they happen, I don't know.  I wish we could do something to stop them.  Until God gives the medical society a way to end them we can only do, what we can do, which is pray.  Isabella is a joy and we are grateful for our "Bella Bear."

God Bless and have a great day.

On Sunday's Isabella and I hang out at the house
until Sunday school is done.  This Sunday the cat and dog
kept her company while I was doing dishes.
aren't they sweet.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Look at This Little Girl Grow

Brinley is almost 6 weeks old.  She is very alert and growing every day.  We are grateful that we get to spend time with her and love on her.  She loves to be held and lets me talk to her.  I love how she watches me when I hold her with great interest in all I have to tell her.  Of course most of what I have to tell her is how beautiful and loved she is.  I think she agrees with me, although at times she looks like "Grandma has lost her mind."  How fun it is to be a grandma, almost as fun as being a parent.  I thought I should update you all on her growing.  She had a doctor's appointment the other day and is over her birthweight and progressing quite well.

While Alexander and Ivy were here for Christmas they did a photo shoot with Brent, Latisha and family.  It turned out wonderful.  Here are a few of the photos.  I am very happy with how they turned out.  Alexander and Ivy do a great job on photography and Brent, Latisha, August and Brinley did a great job also.

God bless and have a great day,

I can't tell you my favorite, I just love them all.
This picture is from just a few days ago.  Look at
those adorable cheeks.  

Saturday, January 20, 2018

March for Life

Today was March for Life.  I have always had a passion to encourage others to see that an unborn child is still a child.  To take the life of a child in the womb is killing a human life.  I think the reality of that was reaffirmed last year at about this time.  A year ago we lost our grandchild.  Salem Marie was born too early.  Latisha was 21 weeks pregnant when Salem was born and Salem quickly went into the arms of Jesus.  We were able to hold this tiny child.  She was fearfully and wonderfully made.  Little fingernails, and toenails, with adorable little fingers, and dainty little features.  Salems older sibling, Peyton, was born at only 13 weeks, but was just as much a child, just as important and loved.

Last week I went to Salem's grave and celebrated her little life and spent a moment in memorial of her and Peyton.  It was a very solemn moment for me and I was blessed to have my dear friend with me to remember her short life, but still so grateful for that life.  Brent and Latisha also went to her grave with August and Brinley.  They placed flowers on her grave and August helped to keep it light hearted.

I hope that all who read this would find the value of all life, whether in the womb or out.  I pray that this holocaust on the unborn would end, that life at all stages would be valued.  We celebrated when we found out these little lives were there, and mourned when they left, but grateful that we will get to meet them someday.

May you all have a wonderful day.

God Bless,


I placed a white lily in honor of her pure life

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August taking flowers to Salem's grave.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Beating the Odds

I like to think about the life my grandparents have lived and wow, what a rollercoaster.  My three remaining grandparents are all in their 90's. They were raised during the Great depression, fought during World War II, raised baby boomers, watched their nephews go off to the Vietnam war, saw the use of cars, airplanes, and computers escalate to everyday life, and watched as fads come and go, some good and some terribly bad.  One of the terribly bad trends was the lack of emphasis placed on marriage and the family.  The divorce rate has dramatically increased in their lifespan and many choose to just forego the whole marriage and children thing and just live to please themselves.  Today we are celebrating my grandparents beating the odds.  Today is my Grandpa and Grandma's 70th wedding anniversary.  That is amazing!!! I Googled the odds of that happening and it is about 1 in 10,000 people will celebrate 70 years of marriage.  Many of us won't even live to long enough to be married that long, but when you factor in divorce the odds are really against us.

Marriage is a commitment.  My grandparents marriage has not been perfect or easy, but it has been an example of commitment and love.  Marriage is work, work that a lot of people find too hard.  When I was younger my grandparents used to take trips together.  It was so exciting when they would come back from a trip and bring us gifts.  Later they would take trips for the winter to Arizona.  The last several years has really taken a toll on their lives as health problems keep arising. Traveling and even driving has become more of a challenge, but they are still together, alive and kicking and celebrating a milestone that 99.99% of the world population will never have.  Unfortunately Grandma is in a transitional care unit recovering from a surgery but never the less we remember this union they made 70 years ago at a church in a small town with just a few onlookers.  (Not near the average cost of $25,000 for a wedding ceremony today.)  Just a couple of young adults, figuring life out together after a terrible war.  They raised two lovely daughters and I am grateful they did.  Both of their two daughters raised two daughters of their own, and my mom also raised a son.  I have a rich heritage with my parents and their parents keeping their marriage covenant.  I pray that in 42 years David and I will carry on this blessing and celebrate our 70th, beating the odds.

God bless you and have a wonderful day.


70 years ago
their 50th anniversary

Latisha and Alexander at their 50th

Grandma and Grandpa and Micky (they have had a small
dog for most of their married life)

4 years ago a picture of most of the our family, a few offspring
and in laws missing. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Christmas Holiday 2017 pt 5

Friday was Alexander and Ivy's last full day here, so they blessed us with having Weston's first birthday party here with family.  It was a bit early for his birthday, but this way we could all take a part in the festivities.  Ivy went for a woods theme, it was adorable! Weston performed well and it was a great celebration.  He got to have his first piece of cake and it was so cute.  He loved it and I was so glad we got it recorded.

The next morning they were off and made it home in good time with good roads.  It felt like the holiday was over, but with the tree still up and the Christmas lights still aglow I held on to the season to the new year.  Happy New Year one and all.  I pray this year finds you well and may we all grow in the strength and knowledge of our Lord.  God Bless


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Christmas Holiday 2017 pt 4

Thursday was Latisha's birthday.  Thankfully Latisha has always enjoyed having a birthday right after Christmas.  Sierra and I got to spend some of the day with her, trying to help her prepare for her party.  We got to go to lunch, Brinley's doctor appointment, and later her party.

I love you sweet pea and am so proud of the wife and mother you are.

Lunch at Costa Vida, thankfully we ordered ahead, because we were in
a hurry, it was packed.  

Latisha as my precious baby

Alexander holding his first niece

Latisha getting help with her presents

Her first pieces to her china

Gingerbread cake, always Latisha's birthday cake

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Christmas Holiday 2017 pt 3

Thankfully Alex, Ivy, and Weston got to spend the week here.  Every day had an activity, so I hope they aren't exhausted from their vacation.  We enjoyed our time together.  Tuesday we went to a movie.  Then Wednesday Latisha and I woke up with the same idea, sledding.  It was a beautiful day, sunny and not too cold a day.  I was surprised Latisha was up for sledding, only being 2 weeks since she gave birth, but that is my girl.  Brinley was wrapped in several layers and in the front back, absolutely snug as a bug.  It was also Weston's first time sledding.  I believe fun was had by all.

Latisha and Brinley

Aidric, August and Brent

The sledders are set and ready to...


Weston's first time sledding


Danika and Weston

The family 

David with Weston, August, and Aidric

Isabella and Alli

my sons