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Monday, February 7, 2011

Time together

What a beautiful day.  The weather today was so confused.  One minute hazy, the next the sun popped through in all it's grander and the next huge black clouds were over us.  Then the clouds would split enough to see streams of light followed by huge gusts of wind.  So many analogies I could use here.  But truly isn't that life.   In my life I have hazy lazy times, grand and glorious and sad and hold me times.  Then the clouds split and we see the lovely "Son" shining through.  God is so faithful and so gracious to be there and direct us in all times.  I am so grateful that my grand and glorious times are so plentiful and my hazy lazy times are there for rest and my sad times are there with my husband, family and friends, and most importantly my God.  Having such support and help takes work and dedication.  Relationships need time.  My husband and I just got home from our date.  We do our best to go out once a week.  Not always but I encourage time alone with out distractions for all marriages.  But don't stop there.  I also encourage you to have alone time with your kids individually.  I purposed this year to have alone time with each child once a week.  I have failed terribly and I see our relationships suffer when I don't find the time.  Time alone with each one of them is so precious and I will continue to succeed in that goal.  Time with my close family and friends I also cherish.  But most importantly time with God has to come first.  It is so important to have communication in order to have relationships.  I have found when I don't read my Bible and start the day in prayer I get edgy easier and I have noticed it in my kids.  I will ask them when they are edgy and quick to anger, have you been reading your Bible lately.  And generally their answer is no.  This probably sounds so silly but it is so important to all of us.  The closer you draw closer to God the closer he will draw to you and the closer you will become to be the child of God he wants you to be.  Have a great day and God bless.  Alicia


  1. I also enjoy one on one time with our children. There is something so special about that!

  2. I like it when I get time with mom.


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