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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Terrific twos

Don't you just love the twos?  Yes, children at this age are exploring, creative, and challenging.  They are learning right from wrong, although they know a lot more than we give them credit for.  But don't you just love this age.  Cassandra was playing with the musical busts as Sierra was playing music.  It is so funny how people speak so negatively of the "terrible two," but we get the most laughs out of this age.  Seeing things from the perspective of a two year old can give new perspective to all.  "You little Stinker," I hear myself say but I do try to speak positively to my kids.  A pet peeve of mine is the name calling I hear parents speak to their children.  I was listening to a new mom the other day, she was frustrated, but I was so saddened by the word she was speaking to her 10 month old.  She was telling her baby she was gross and naughty.  She says they tell her that all the time because she is.  What a sad cycle she is beginning with her baby.  I have always been concerned with name calling.  I believe we can speak life or death into our children and the more positive words we speak to our children, the more positive they see themselves, and the more positive they become.

I remember one time hearing how the very basic particle of living things doesn't end with atoms but that atoms are made up of sound waves.  Imagine that.  God spoke this world and everything in it into existence.  So of course the beginning of all things is sound waves.   How much do the words we speak influence the lives of our children and affect their beginning image of their own self.  When God said "let there be light,"  there was light.  When we say "you are so naughty" are we encouraging them in being naughty.  Just a thought to ponder.  Well what a beautiful day it is.  Hope you enjoy the pictures.  Have a great day in the Lord and be blessed.  Alicia

Just something to ponder


  1. I do not like when people say terrible twos either!!! I LOVE this age!! They are so funny and innocent. Thanks for this reminder as I can tell my children they are being naughty and need to encourage good behavior more.


  2. Casie is a little ball of energy alot of times and playful too.


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