Yikes, learning to read. My how that can grate on my nerves. I can get so very impatient listening to a beginner reader. "No that is that not shat, shat is not even a word!!! Th says th not sh." Oh my. I want to correct every word or help them read faster or just say that is enough after 5 minutes. Not my most patient moments. When one of my children was learning to read it was not going real smooth. I knew we needed to read more but I just didn't want too. I recieved some great words of advise from a wonderful homeschool mom. She encouraged me to work on something while listening to my child read. I love to knit and crochet. So I started crocheting while my child read. We were both more relaxed. I didn't feel like it was such a big deal. I could relax doing some project while assisting where needed. Since then I have been able to teach reading and not stress so much over every stumbled word. I also get to make some pretty blankets and sweaters at the same time. People ask me where I find time to make them, well I guess when you spend 30 minutes reading with someone each day you can get it done. Here's my latest blanket I just finished. I hope to use it in our raffle at our family reunion. Every year people in our family donate something to use in the raffle. This way we make money for the rental of where we go and we get to get something special someone in the family made. My grandparents had seven children so now with the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren we can have a large gathering. I have never donated anything for the raffle just bought tickets, so it is past time. I hope someone can enjoy it and all the reading time it took to make it. Now for my next project. Have a great day, Alicia
Yeah, just go it done. |
Reading time. |
Great pictures!! :) You knit while she reads......very special.
I love it. It totally relaxes me and I'm not so apt to correct her before she catches it herself.