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Friday, June 5, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday to our Cassie Girl!

I am sitting here watching Cassandra's baby video.  It is a tradition in our home to watch baby videos of the birthday child on or near their birthday.  After four kids we were thinking we were done, but God placed a strong desire on my heart for another child.  I thought people would think we were crazy so I kept the desire to myself.  Once I finally got over worrying about what other people thought and decided it was more important to follow God, we had a beautiful baby girl.  I am watching myself holding her in the video and I was just gazing at the miracle in my arms with my hubby close by my side.  Truly we were and are blessed.  I am so thankful for Cassandra and glad she is in our lives.  What a joy she brings to our family.  Her love for life and creativity entertains us and bring us joy to our life.  Cassandra is such a busy loving girl who brings a smile to those around her.  We love you Cassandra, Happy Birthday! God bless and have a great day.

This is Cassandra's favorite pictures, she says she likes the way her eyes are in it.  


  1. I remember holding her at the hospital!!! I remember talking on our hike about your desire for another!!! Happiest birthday to sweet, spunky Cassie!!!

    1. Thank you so much. Cassie says hi and she is thankful for our talk.:)

  2. Happy birthday Cassie! I love the tree pics!


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