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family photo

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Time to Heal

It has been my observation in life that things, emotional and physical, take time to heal.  Not being a very patient person I have a hard time waiting.  I just want things the way they should be or at least I feel they should be.  When I was 14 I had knee surgery.  After 6 weeks of wearing a cast the doctors took the cast off.  The cast had gone from the tip of my toes all the way up my leg.  I promptly swung my leg off the table thinking I would hop down and be back to normal.  Well, I was unaware of all the scar tissue that had built up in my knee.  Pain shot through my very being, radiating from my knee. I felt paralyzed.  "Oh that's not a good idea," the nurse said and preceded to tell me it would be a while before I would have use of my leg again.  It was a good lesson.  A lesson that I continually put in practice.  There needs to be a time to heal from injuries in life.

I would like to encourage each mother out there that after having a baby it is a good idea to take time to heal.  Your body has gone through an amazing process of caring for and birthing a new life.  Now it needs time to heal.  This is good for both the mom and the baby.   I believe it is a time of bonding for mom and baby and the more time you take for the baby the more time for your body to heal.  I have stories after stories of mom's jumping back into the swing of life only to be in trouble mentally or physically and some have even ended back in the hospital.  Husbands I encourage you to help your wife to take care of herself and rest after having a baby.  A good friend of mine had her baby and a week later decided to go on an outing only to start bleeding profusely, passing out, being rushed to the hospital and in critical condition.  With my first baby I wanted to be supper mom but I quickly learned over working is not supper mom but stupid mom.  It gets tricky when you have lots of little ones at home so don't be against accepting or asking for help.  We are a part of the body of Christ and need to be here for each other.

It is not easy for me as I sit here typing.  I want to get up and do things I know I shouldn't and well sometimes I push the limits and then pay for it both physically and emotionally.  I am so grateful for all the help I have received from family and friends.  The C-section has prolonged my regular activities but I know if I allow myself time to heal I will be a better wife and mom.  Quite truthfully I don't want to make my recovery any longer then it needs to be.  Each recovery and birth comes with its own set of healing time.  I have bounced back from some births faster than others.  I encourage you when the time is right to not grow stagnant but jump back into being the wife and mother God has called you to be.  In the meantime rejoice in the season you are in and be blessed.


Our Easter family picture.  Wish I knew how to photoshop Alex in.

Aidric first Resurrection Sunday

Sierra playing to Aidric 

Had to get profile picture or Aidric, looks a lot like his big brother
Alex at same age as Aidric above

Aidric now 3 1/2 weeks and mama.  We're doing great.  


  1. What a beautiful family you have Alicia....The little Aidric is simply precious....My heart is melting. Congratulations. You look so pretty too:-)

    1. Thank you so much Kelsey, I am always encouraged by your comments.

  2. He has changed so much, already. He is adorable!! You are so right. For each mom it is different, too. For me, I need several months of time to recover. Physically, mentally and emotionally. I need space and more quiet and to let go of regular routine. You are wise to let things go....... I have done too much at times, and bled longer and exhausted myself to the core. :) You are a wonderful wife, mommy and friend. Can not wait to see you guys, Thursday!!!! If you need me to help, I am available. Love, Jessica

    1. I wish more moms and dads would understand this. It would relieve so much stress. To be free to heal is wise. Please feel free to just stick around. I think the girls have most things under control, but It would be great to have you stay and too far for you to travel back and forth.


Thanks for taking the time to stop by. Love hearing from you.