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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cherries, cherries cherries.

Ok so every year I look forward to cherry season.  I really enjoy cherries.  A few years ago I had made a comment to my husband how fun it would be to have a cherry pitter.  Not thinking much about it he bought me one.  What was I to do with it.  Well, I was very blessed with a Friend who allowed me to come and pick my fill of cherries.  This year my friend's, that I normally get cherries from, tree didn't produce much.  I was bummed and thought it all lost for the year but was blessed by another friend whose tree produced an abundance.  So I have been busy and could probably do more but here is what we did. 

First we canned 17 qt cherries.  We are already eating one.  We wash, then pit them.  Add hot water and 1/3 cup sugar.  Put lids on then place in boiling water for 25 minutes to seal jars.

Then we put some of the cleaned and pitted cherries in the freezer on cookie sheets to freeze.  Then will place in gallon bags to store. 

Next, we made this amazing crisp.  Thank you Amy for the recipe.  I took 8 cups cherries (cleaned and pitted), boiled them in 2 cups water for 10 minutes.  Mixed together 2 cups sugar and 1/4 cup cornstarch then added them to cherries and stir till thick.  I then poured them in a cake pan.  Next I mixed 1 cup softened butter with 2 yellow cake mixes and sprinkled on top the cherry mixture.  Baked for about 1/2 hour and yum. 

Then what ever is left we are eating fresh.

I was wondering next year about making cherry jam and maybe canning cherry pie filling.  Oh well, we'll see.  Hope all is well out there.  Have a great day.  God Bless 

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