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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Beware the Fish Hook

We had such a wonderful weekend.  This weekend we went camping.  The place we stayed was so beautiful.  We were camped by a lake and all around us were mountains.  God has made such an amazing creation and I am so thankful.  The first night we were there we had and awesome thunder and lightning storm.  I'm not sure if I have ever heard thunder that loud.  I think the mountains intensified the sound and it was so powerful.  I was concerned about the kids but they all slept through it or were unconcerned.  So I just laid there and listened to it.  Boom!!! wow that was a close one.  How amazing.  The next morning my baby Isabella woke up bright and early and so, as not to wake everyone, I took her for a walk.  The mist on the water was so gorgeous and the crisp morning was so refreshing.  We went down to the pier and saw all the ducks.  The mama's were leading their little ones around and if one stepped out of line she would squawk and back they would come.  I loved just watching then and was awed by how well they obeyed their mom.  The next morning David joined Isabella and I for our morning walk and we showed him the lovely ducks.  They were not as happy this morning.  The mother was all out of sorts.  Her ducklings were following her but she kept coming back to the pier.  Pretty soon I noticed a ducking under the pier splashing away.  It was so funny.  I thought "is this one being rebellious?"  Then I noticed a fish line connected to him.  How sad.  I was angry at what fisherman had left his line for this innocent creature to get tangled in.  David went to rescue the little guy but the duckling was scared and didn't want David's help.  Finally David grabbed him and found a fish hook in his beak.  Poor little guy.  David took the hook out and instantly the duckling dove under the water and disappeared for a bit.  Then a few yards away we saw him reappear and quickly swim to the safety of his mother and siblings.  Isn't that like life.  Here we are as parents trying our best to lead and guide our children but then someonelse's mess, that they think nothing of, will snag our child, tangle them up, and even hook them.  I watched as the mother duck went back and squawked at her little one and implored him to follow her but he was too caught up.  He would try to fight to free himself, but the more he fought the more tangled he got.  Imagine if one of the other siblings had been nearby and his flapping about in his mess had tangled them and got them caught up too.  It was only by the kindness of this unknown man (David) did this little duck get rescued from the snares that had entangled him.  Thank you Jesus, that we know you can rescue us from the sins that have ensnared us or our little ones.  The mother duck was totally helpless to help her baby and the more she tried the worse mess her baby was in.  I often wonder as a mom when to stick my mouth in and "help" my children get out of the snares I think they are in.  I try to prevent them from making the same mistakes I have made or teach them a better way then where they are going.  Then I'm stunned by there insistence to do what I may have warned them of.  Dear God, give me a teachable heart that I may hear your voice and not be snared by the unseen.  And dear Father let me be an example to my children in your ways.  May you be there to help them when they fall into the snares of this world and keep them from the fish hooks that will trap them and hold them there. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Well here are some pictures, I hope you are all well.  God Bless.

Here is the little rescued duckling hurrying back to mama.

Uncle Dan spinning the little girls

Grandpa and Cassandra picking up sticks

Loved the mist on the water

Daddy and Isabella

walking down the path.

The kids working on a puzzle


  1. Looks so pretty. Where was it? I love the duck story. Glad he got rescued!!! Miss you guys!!!


  2. This was at Horse Thief. Free camping so first come. Miss you too.


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