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Monday, April 11, 2011

And Then There Were Four

The test said positive.  In a beautiful dark line.  My last two tests it took me a couple tries to get a dark line but not with Danika.  One test, one bold answer and one more excited family.  I thought it might be a little early to take the test but we were about to head to my family reunion and I thought it would be fun to see if we were expecting.  Sure enough.  The kids were so excited to announce it at the reunion and I think everyone was a bit surprised.  That side of the family the most children in a family is three.  But here we were expecting our 4th.  The pregnancy went well.  Then came time for the ultra sound.  The doctor announced it is a girl.  Alex asked if he was sure and the doctor said he was 99 percent sure.  So, Alex said well  I still have a one percent chance then right?   But he was very excited to have his new sister.  I went into labor when David was out of town for work.  He was only a couple hours away so it wasn't a big deal.  That day I had little pains here and there.  Finally about 6:00 they started getting regular but still didn't hurt that bad.  So I took the kids to the park with some friends.  My friends watched me as every three minutes I would look at my watch.  They were starting to get nervous and the pains were getting a little more uncomfortable.  So I called David and let him know.  He asked how I was doing and I said fine and that the pains were coming every 3 minutes.  He was at dinner with his boss and a couple other men.  So I may have miscommunicated my need for him for he decided to finish his dinner, then went to his hotel to gather his things and then headed to the hospital.  Mean while I had gone home and left my children with my friends to wait for David.  The phone rang and it was my brother.  He said "How are you doing?"  I thought he knew what was going on so I said fine, they are coming about every three minutes."  "What!"  "My contractions."  "Where is David?"  "Oh he is out of town but on his way home."  "Is someone there with you?"  "No, I'll be fine till David gets here."  "Call someone and get them there with you."  At that moment my cousin LaNae drove up.  I told Jerry not to worry LaNae was here.  David had called LaNae and told her to take me to the hospital.  She took me in her car with no shocks.  Every bump during a contraction felt very intensified.  Her shifting was fine, I'm sure, but at that time it was murder.  At the hospital they got me set up and we waited for the epidural.  My mom, who lived a couple hours away showed up soon and my friends had brought Alex and Latisha.  By this time I was feeling a lot of pain.  I have back labor and every contraction feels like someone is stabbing a knife in my lower back, not to be too graphic.  :)  David finally got there and encouraged them to get the epidural going.  But the anesthesiologist struggled with it because his gloves didn't fit.  I didn't know which was worse him or the contractions.  The epidural didn't work right.  It had taken away all motor control and left all sensory.  Basically I felt all the pain but couldn't push her out.  Bummer.  My mom and cousin began praying and I tried not to panic.  The doctor sat back in frustration and I silently prayed "Dear Jesus please help me."  Out she came in the next contraction.  She was bigger then my other children, probably because of all her dark hair.  As the doctor took her Danika held her head up and looked right at me.  It was so precious.  She was looking for her mama.  This was probably my hardest birth, I was exhausted and sat in a daze as they cleaned her up but as soon as they placed her in my arms every pain and exhaustion went away and I was renewed and so very happy.  The kids had been out in the hall and heard her first cry.  They couldn't wait to get in and see this new miracle.  Danika is such a wonderful child.  Full of much love for others and a go getter.  She has a lot of energy and loves to keep up with her older siblings.  She began walking at 8 1/2 months and hasn't stopped.  Thank you God for Danika.  I love you baby.     

Danika 8 years old

Danika Marie 6 mos

1 comment:

  1. Great write-up Alicia. We are so proud of Danika & enjoy spending time with her. Love, Grandma


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