family photo

family photo

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sierra's 11

Sierra 5 weeks

at a year old she loved looking upside down

Here she is at three, we nick named her our flower child.

Sierra quickly pick up piano.

Sierra lovely as always.

Sierra now.
Happy Birthday to our lovely daughter Sierra!!!  11 years ago today we welcomed our new little Sierra Elizabeth.  She was very tiny, weighing only 6 lbs 12 oz.  She had lots of dark hair and the most amazing blue eyes I had ever seen.  They almost had a speck of purple in them.  In her ultrasound she had her legs crossed so they said they couldn't tell for sure the gender but it appeared she was a girl.  Sure enough.  It was a good delivery.  I was huge as always and had gone to my doctor appointment that day.  I had about a week and half left but was ready to pop.  The doctor checked me and said "Well, I'll see you tonight."  Sure enough about 4 hours later I was at the hospital.  I had read a book called Supernatural Childbirth and I was really hoping for a pain free delivery.  I started having contractions but they didn't hurt.  So I prayed and asked God if I was really in labor let me feel a little pain so I would know and sure enough, I felt a little pain.  But it wasn't what I was used to so I asked God again for just a little more pain so I would really know and again I felt more pain.  Before I knew it I was in full blown back labor.  We went to the hospital eager for our new baby.  They talked us in to an entrathepal (?)  which worked for a couple hours but then began to wear off.  I began to feel panicky.  The doctor noticed I was experiencing pain and said let's get this baby out.  Not much later there she was screaming.  They took her over to clean her up and it felt like forever.  Finally they placed her in my arms, she slowly calmed down and I wanted to hurt someone for not bringing her to me quicker.   But there we were with a beautiful new little girl.  The next morning Alex and Latisha came to see her at the hospital.  They were both so excited.  David was holding Sierra and Alexander said her name.  She turned her head and looked for him.  It was so precious she knew Alex's voice and was looking for her big brother.  Latisha was thrilled with her new little sister and took on the mothering role with a little side effect from what we referred to as the dethrowning period.   Sierra was such a loving little girl and was a friend to everyone.  She would tell complete strangers "I love you," in this sweet innocent voice.  She is now such a wonderful daughter.  She is willing to help wherever, whenever and is concerned about others.  She also has a creative side, is gifted with music and is trying to teach herself the flute.  We are so blessed to have Sierra and she is a blessing to those around her.  Sierra loves the Lord and that is what is the most important. Happy Birthday Sierra. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Resurrection Sunday

Our family Easter morning

The kids ready to hunt eggs

Alex helping Isabella

Alex played the piano at church Sunday morning

The big girls looking for the not so obvious eggs
The little girls getting the obvious ones, with a little "harder one" here and there.

Cassie with a full basket

We had plenty eggs and the kids were so adorable

The girls also celebrated their birthday with family

Blowing out candles
We had dinner buffet style upstairs
I was so looking forward to Easter this year.  With it being later in April I just knew it would be a warm spring day with all my flowers in bloom.  Well, a lot of the flowers were blooming but it was a bit chilly.  I was grateful for the sunshine we were blessed with for the most part of the day.  Our church had a breakfast and that made things a little easier in the morning.  Then several of the youth preformed and Alex got to play his piano piece for us.  He did a great job.  The service was very full and the message good.  I love seeing so many people gather to worship the Lord.  Then we had family over and did an Easter egg hunt.  This year we added a little twist.  Danika had got an egg that when she shook it she didn't hear anything.  "Mine is empty," she said.  Latisha explained that was the good one that doesn't make noise.   After the hunt I talked to everyone about how some of the eggs had food in them, which is like how God provides us with food, some of the eggs had money and that was like God provides for our financial needs, then the one that Danika found was empty.  That one was the best one.  It was like how Jesus is not in the tomb.  He is now seated with the Father in heaven and some day we will go and be with him in this wonderful place forever.  So because Danika received this gift and didn't overlook the empty egg she got the gift of being able to spend a wonderful evening with her parents.  She was shocked and is now very excited for the evening out with mom and dad.  Later we were able to gather with a couple other families and play some games.  It was all very nice.  I hope you all had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday too.  God Bless and Thank you Jesus that because of the empty grave, we can receive your gift of eternal life when we accept You as our Savior and have a wonderful time in heaven with You.  God Bless.  Alicia

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beginner Drivers Beware

ok, I'm trying to convince myself and encourage you that it is spring

Unfortunately my poor little tulips are huddled up trying to keep warm and not convincing me.  Yesterday they were big and beautiful.

But look at my beautiful peach tree.  I only planted it last year but I am an optimist and would be so amazed if some of those blossoms turned into fruit.

The unknown tree.  Hopefully it will produce this year. 
Well, off we go again.  Getting our driving time in.  It is such an exciting time for parent and child but can also be quite scary.  There is this an almost nauseating feeling that hits me as my children take off for the first time in the car.  The first time I hand over the keys and they jump in our family Yukon reality hits and a little fear for our lives hit both of us.  The Yukon is a rather large vehicle and quite intimidating to someone who has been learning to drive in a Ford Fusion.  I try not to grasp the door too hard as they drive down the White line for fear of hitting the oncoming traffic.  I've had to reassure both Alex and Latisha that they can scoot over a bit and they wont hit oncoming traffic but if they don't we are all going off the edge of the road.

About a month ago Latisha finished driver's ed and got her driving permit.  She is now in the process of getting her 50 hours driving in so she can have her driver's license.  We've been moving quite along in hours and she is feeling a bit like a chauffeur.  She is getting quite good at driving the Yukon and even comfortable with it.  I know this is not every teenagers dream car but I appreciate her taking charge and she looks quite confident.  Unfortunately, she is learning about very rude drivers.  I am amazed at how obnoxious drivers can be but it seems more intensified as I sit in the passengers seat.  Yesterday as we were driving Latisha needed to get in the other lane.  She turned her blinker on, slowed down to let the car ahead of her go, in hopes of getting in behind him and the car behind him sped up as not to let her in.  I told her that was ok, maybe he didn't see her blinker but the car behind that did the same thing.  I was getting seriously annoyed.  I told her to start to move over and see if the car would slow down but nope.  The funny thing was the first car that we tried to get behind had to turned, slowed way down and we were able to go in front of him and the two other cars that wouldn't let us in.  Vengeance is mine says the Lord.  :)  Later we were on the interstate very close to rush hour.  Latisha was following the car in front of her at a safe distance.  The car in front of her was going at a easy pace and apparently the rest of the drivers were in a race as they slipped in and out of lanes in front of and around us.  I was getting nervous, but there sat Latisha totally unaffected driving down the road making comments here and there about the traffic but just cruising down the street.  I feel bad for beginner drivers who get to encounter the uncourteous drivers and see first hand how self centered the world we live in can be. 

But off we go looking forward to the drivers test.  Hopefully someone else can take her.  I do not appreciate tests and got to sit in the back seat while Alex took his.  I seriously prayed almost the whole time.  I was so nervous for him.  I was almost shaking and had a heavy sick feeling.  I'm so glad Alex had no idea.  The man who did the test was a rather large intimidating man, but in the end very nice and passed Alex.   Then I got to take my nephew to the same man and ride in the back for yet another shaking, sick feeling and constant prayer ride.  My nephew asked me to just do whatever I did for Alex and I guess I did.  He passed and neither have had a car accident.  Lord protect our new drivers and those around them. 

Oh I must share a funny.  At night when I put Cassie to bed I read her a story, we pray, then sing Jesus Loves me and Hallelujah.  Lately she has really enjoyed the singing and will even join me.  Last night after prayer I began to sing Jesus Loves Me and she said no mom not that one.  But I went on and finished it and then sang Hallelujah.  She let out a heavy sigh and said "there you go mom that is the song Hallewuya."  Have a great day. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

April Birthday and Palm Sunday

We had a nice weekend.  David's brother and sister came to town for an April birthday celebration.  There are six birthdays for his side of the family this month so it was almost was like Christmas.   Cassandra's birthday isn't for another month so this has been a bit challenging for her.  My birthday, Isabella's, Danika's and Sierra's next week but not hers yet.  She knows her turn is coming and I thought she did very good watching everyone open their presents but she did look like she was about to burst.  So David's brother and sister gave her a little gift.  It was sweet.  The kids loved seeing the family and it was good enough weather to get outside and run.   

Then Sunday we had a beautiful Palm Sunday.  The children were given palm branches at church and walked up and down the isle waving their branches singing Hosanna.  It really touched me to see my kids waving their branches singing Hosanna.  I seriously had to choke back the tears.  What an honor to celebrate the King of Kings.    Hope all is well where you are.  This is definitely a week to honor Jesus and the sacrifice he made for you.  God Bless

Friday, April 15, 2011

What in the World

Things are going well around here.  We had a fun flower birthday party for Danika.  Complete with flower pizza, flower fingernails, flower cake, and Sierra and Latisha made the girls flower balloons they learned to make at the Maxwell conference.   We even had Chad and Jessica and family over.  It was so good to see them.  They are such a wonderful family and inspirational. 

A while back we received a Prolife magazine.  I hadn't even opened it until a couple days ago.  What I saw so appalled me.  As I thumbed through the magazine I saw the back of a precious little babies head.  At the base of this infants head was a huge black hole.  It so shocked me.  The way this baby died haunts my mind.  I have always been and always will be appalled by abortion in all of its gruesome barbaric murders, but this image so hurt me deep in my heart.  This baby didn't have a chance.  I have yet to find a reason one would murder their own child who safely rests in their womb.  When did our country come to accept abortion as a choice?  What is wrong with people?!?  Are people really so selfish to think that murder could be acceptable.  It angers me to see people will call it a choice.  It is murder.  I think sometimes we need to have a glimpse of how horrible something is to even partially grasp the horror of it all. It grieves my heart to know that abortion is so accepted by so many and overlooked by others.  It should help us determine who should be making the laws of this country.  Why would anyone vote for someone who makes laws that allow and even encourages abortion?  What kind of an individual would make a law to murder another if it so pleases them.   It is my understanding that my grandfather, a very devote Democrat, stop voting because of these issues.  I challenge you if you in any way feel abortion is a choice to research what abortion is.   When did murder of an Innocent human being become a choice.  When I think of abortion I think of how very evil the devil is.  How he must be thrilled with the shedding of innocent blood.  I grieve for the women who have made the decision with no idea of what they were really doing.  I pray that God would open our eyes.  Some people think the answer is to provide contraceptives.  I just learned in the dvd "Children are a Blessing," when contraceptives are handed out in schools abortion triples.  We need to train our children that children are a blessing and that murder is wrong and brings a curse.  May God help us as a nation, may good be seen as good and evil as evil.   God bless you all this day.

Monday, April 11, 2011

And Then There Were Four

The test said positive.  In a beautiful dark line.  My last two tests it took me a couple tries to get a dark line but not with Danika.  One test, one bold answer and one more excited family.  I thought it might be a little early to take the test but we were about to head to my family reunion and I thought it would be fun to see if we were expecting.  Sure enough.  The kids were so excited to announce it at the reunion and I think everyone was a bit surprised.  That side of the family the most children in a family is three.  But here we were expecting our 4th.  The pregnancy went well.  Then came time for the ultra sound.  The doctor announced it is a girl.  Alex asked if he was sure and the doctor said he was 99 percent sure.  So, Alex said well  I still have a one percent chance then right?   But he was very excited to have his new sister.  I went into labor when David was out of town for work.  He was only a couple hours away so it wasn't a big deal.  That day I had little pains here and there.  Finally about 6:00 they started getting regular but still didn't hurt that bad.  So I took the kids to the park with some friends.  My friends watched me as every three minutes I would look at my watch.  They were starting to get nervous and the pains were getting a little more uncomfortable.  So I called David and let him know.  He asked how I was doing and I said fine and that the pains were coming every 3 minutes.  He was at dinner with his boss and a couple other men.  So I may have miscommunicated my need for him for he decided to finish his dinner, then went to his hotel to gather his things and then headed to the hospital.  Mean while I had gone home and left my children with my friends to wait for David.  The phone rang and it was my brother.  He said "How are you doing?"  I thought he knew what was going on so I said fine, they are coming about every three minutes."  "What!"  "My contractions."  "Where is David?"  "Oh he is out of town but on his way home."  "Is someone there with you?"  "No, I'll be fine till David gets here."  "Call someone and get them there with you."  At that moment my cousin LaNae drove up.  I told Jerry not to worry LaNae was here.  David had called LaNae and told her to take me to the hospital.  She took me in her car with no shocks.  Every bump during a contraction felt very intensified.  Her shifting was fine, I'm sure, but at that time it was murder.  At the hospital they got me set up and we waited for the epidural.  My mom, who lived a couple hours away showed up soon and my friends had brought Alex and Latisha.  By this time I was feeling a lot of pain.  I have back labor and every contraction feels like someone is stabbing a knife in my lower back, not to be too graphic.  :)  David finally got there and encouraged them to get the epidural going.  But the anesthesiologist struggled with it because his gloves didn't fit.  I didn't know which was worse him or the contractions.  The epidural didn't work right.  It had taken away all motor control and left all sensory.  Basically I felt all the pain but couldn't push her out.  Bummer.  My mom and cousin began praying and I tried not to panic.  The doctor sat back in frustration and I silently prayed "Dear Jesus please help me."  Out she came in the next contraction.  She was bigger then my other children, probably because of all her dark hair.  As the doctor took her Danika held her head up and looked right at me.  It was so precious.  She was looking for her mama.  This was probably my hardest birth, I was exhausted and sat in a daze as they cleaned her up but as soon as they placed her in my arms every pain and exhaustion went away and I was renewed and so very happy.  The kids had been out in the hall and heard her first cry.  They couldn't wait to get in and see this new miracle.  Danika is such a wonderful child.  Full of much love for others and a go getter.  She has a lot of energy and loves to keep up with her older siblings.  She began walking at 8 1/2 months and hasn't stopped.  Thank you God for Danika.  I love you baby.     

Danika 8 years old

Danika Marie 6 mos

Thursday, April 7, 2011


 So the kids went out after lunch to play in this chilly spring weather and discovered a duck or is it a goose,  out walking around.  It was so cute.  Sierra was concerned it was hungry, the duck/goose seemed very interested in eating my budding tulips.  It was so funny though because it attached itself to Sierra and is following her around.  I guess the sad part is I can't tell you if it is a goose or a duck.  Apparently the family has decided it is a goose.  Obviously we are not around fowl that much. Things like this add a bit of spice to our day.  Very fun.  Have a great day. 
Sierra befreinding a duck

Sierra and my niece Lauren introducing themselves.

Cassie having slide delima and Danika helping Isabella

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Fever

Oh what crazy weather.  I so enjoy the sun popping out and the rain is good for the grass, but the temperature going up and down is crazy.  We bought our home over a year ago.  The yard was a mess so last summer was spent working on the yard.  We planted a lot of plants and trees.  I love beautiful yards and strive to make mine nice.  We had some watering problems and about 1/3 of our plants didn't make it.  At the end of the summer I planted a bunch of tulips and daffodils.  The last couple of weeks they have been popping out all over.  It stirred me to get out and do yard work again.  I have planted around 30 more plants and six trees.  I sure hope they all survive.  I was praying over them as I planted.  Silly I know but it was just so sad to see so many not make it last year.  My loving husband has been working hard on the yard too and our grass that struggled so much last year is green and beautiful.  This weekend I bought a couple pear trees.  I'm so excited to be growing my own fruit.  I don't know how long it will take for them to produce but we now have 2 pears, an apple, peach, plum and one tree that came with the house that we still aren't sure what it is but it has beautiful blossoms so maybe this year we can find out.  My garden is also clean and awaiting seeds.  It's a bit early to plant but I get so anxious and can't wait to fill it with seeds and watch them produce too. 

Our weekends was very nice too.  The highlight being we got to have dinner with some wonderful friends.  They have 8 children and just found out they are expecting their 9th.  We are so excited for them!!!  What a blessing.  They cooked a wonderful Mexican meal and then we played games.  The little ones played so well and the adults and older children got to show our word knowledge with speed scrabble. 

We also discovered our neighbors cow had an adorable baby.  God is good and I get so much joy in watching all things being fruitful, like my flower, vegetables, trees (hopefully), the neighbors cow and our good friends.  Spring is here and new life is popping out everywhere.  God bless and have a great day.