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Monday, March 12, 2012

The Man of La Mancha

Alexander just finished his first college production.  It was "The Man of La Mancha."  We watched the old movie of it with Sophia Loren and was a little surprised that this Christian University had chosen this as their production.  I was very pleasantly surprised.  First I have to say the orchestra played beautifully and the actors sang and performed wonderfully.  When the first singer began his song I was so impressed and it just got better.  Then came my son.  He played several roles.  He was one of the prisoners, a man at the inn and the priest.  As a mom there is such a thrill to watch your child perform and this was no exception.  He had several songs with others and even a solo here and there.  It just blessed me to listen to him sing and perform.  I don't know why I get so emotional about it but I do.    

The musical is about a man who is living in an imaginary world, where he sees things as he wishes to, and calls himself Don Quixote.  In the story a young lady named Aldonza works at the inn and is frequently propositioned by men there.  Aldonza is beautiful but thinks very low of herself and life.  Quixote sees her as a princess and changes her name to Dulcinea.  There is much more to the story but the point I was impressed with is how regardless of what Aldonza does or what is done to her, Quixote sees her as his fair lady Dulcinea and wants her as his lady.  To me this is how our God is.  Regardless of what we have done or how we see ourself He sees us as the Prince or Princess He created us to be.  It is our choice to accept him as our Savior and see ourselves as He has created us, no matter what our past is.  Isn't God so wonderful.  In the end Aldonza/Dulcinea leaves her lifestyle, follows after Quixote, and changes her name to Dulcinea.   Let us look forward, not back,  and follow after our God and be the person He knows we can be.  Have a great day. 

This picture is not from the play but was just a fun one.
It is Alex and Latisha  and a couple dear friends, Link and Ivy

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