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family photo

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fun Times

I love times with family and I love times with friends.  I was blessed to have both this weekend.  My grandparents came up to see us.  They live about four hours away and we are always blessed when they can make it this way.  We celebrated Grandpa's 87th birthday. 
My Grandpa and German chocolate cake with home made pecan icing. 

Grandpa with some of his great grandkids. 

Then we went boating with some church friends.  It was a very hot day so I stayed on the beach by the water with the little ones and got to chat with a friend.  David got to go with a group of dads on an tube that was apparently pulled a little bit harder then their bodies were used to and they were hurting afterwards.  The older four kids got to go tubing, wake boarding and knee boarding.  Then Cassandra and I got to take a ladies cruise and that was fun. 

Cassie with her buddy cooling off.

Alex and Latisha with a couple of their friends on the tube

Cassandra helping dad cool off.

The girls getting ready to knee board

Even in 100 degree temperature and only half an hour nap she was quite pleasant

Last week we began school, so life is in the scheduled mode again.  I sure am surprised how much we can get done on a schedule yet at the same time it can get overwhelming keeping up with all the house work.  I am blessed with children who help me and are fairly motivated to stay on track with their school work.  The other day I had one of those overwhelming thankful moments.  I love the life God has given me.  I love my husband and he loves me, each one of my children is a blessing and joy, I'm blessed to be able to stay home and home school them and I get to serve my Lord.  What a joy I find in my daily tasks.  Sometimes I forget how blessed I am but when I get out in "the real world" and see how many unhappy, discontent, angry people there are I remember how thankful I am, even with the Laundry, the struggle with spelling, the potty accident, the teething, spitting up, I could go on.  But what I am trying to say is we all need to find joy and peace in the life God has given us.  If you are not finding that maybe you are not living the life God intended for you.  Check your relationship with Christ and your focus and live the life God intended for you.   May God's peace and joy abound in you. 


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