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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day to all you mom's out there.  I think it is great to have a day to show our gratefulness to our moms.  Motherhood is a rollercoaster ride of emotions.  One minute you are so proud of your children, the next concerned, the next angry, the next sad, and another minutes so happy, and the emotions go on and on.  It is a privilege and honor to be a mom and I am very grateful to God and my husband for allowing me to have seven amazing kids.  I am also grateful to my mom for raising me as she did.  My grandma's who raised my parents and loved me.  My mother in-law, who raised my hubby.  They have all experienced the Mom rollercoaster and are always there for their children.  Now it is just such a blessing to watch my daughter begin her ride as a first time mom.  She is doing an amazing job.  So for all you mom's to the first or 5th power, "Happy Mother's Day!"

My Mother's day actually began last night.  My sister and I took my mom out to a very nice  restaurant.  The food and atmosphere were great.  We sat out on the patio and enjoyed the water fall and comfortable temperature.  Then this morning I woke to breakfast in bed and lots of gifts.  The kids had all made hand print cards but Cassandra had taken an extra step and made a whole book.  It was wonderful.  I also got flowers, a lime tree, silverware server, and lotion and candle. After church service David took the family and Brent and Latisha joined us for Mexican food. There Brent, Latisha and August blessed me with a gift and another hand print card. I enjoy going to this restaurant on Mother's Day, the atmosphere is fun and they give out carnations to the moms.   I feel spoiled and blessed. Alex also gave me a call and I enjoyed chatting with him. I wish I could have got pictures of last night but here are some from today.  Happy Mothers Day and Have a blessed day!
Latisha blessed me with this collage 

My cuties this morning
My amazing breakfast in bed: strawberries dipped in chocolate ganache, baked oatmeal
(see my recipes) with peaches, milk and raspberry cranberry juice.
The cards and book


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