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family photo

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's a.....

The girls made us a totally blue cake.
 So today was the big day.  The ultra sound.  I always cry at ultra sounds.  I think they are just amazing. To take a peak into the secret place and see a growing baby is sooooo wonderful.  David, Latisha, Sierra, Danika and I got to go to the ultra sound.  We brought our computer and were able to Skype Alex.  The lady doing the ultra sound asked us what we thought it was and then showed us and asked us if we could tell.  Sure enough we could.

Our new little one

They said everything looked really good.  It is so funny to look at my baby's ultra sounds.  They all look alike.  I used to think all ultrasounds look alike but after having my first ultrasound and then seeing someone else's I was surprised.  I think I could pick my babies out.  They all have these round heads, chubby cheeks,  pouty lips and little noses.  I just love it.  What a blessing.  I am amazed at how others have gotten so excited.  We are so happy to see it is a boy but would have been happy if it had been a girl.  We just feel so blessed.  Alex was teasing me and said, "so it took you 20 years to get me a brother."  Love that boy.  What a very blessed day.  We are truly thankful.  Thank you Father for your blessings.  Truly children are a blessing/miracle from the Lord.

Have a great day.



  1. Praise the Lord everything is going well with baby BOY CdeBaca :) All of your babies are so adorable...chubby cheeks are so cute!


    1. Thank you so much Ivy. You are such an encouragement. :) Love ya!

  2. :) :)

    I think this was such an anticipating wait. Five girls in a row and the boy broke the trend!! :) We are so happy for you.


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