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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Fall Planting and New Life

One of the best things about spring is all the beautiful flowers.  When we first moved to our home I planted about 90 tulips and several daffodils.  Later I planted some Mascara.  While my daffodils have been faithful to return year after year, my tulips slowly disappeared and eventually stopped coming up, and my Mascara only lasted a year.  What did I do wrong?  Well, I am determined to be more successful this year and here I go again.  I had done my Google research so hopefully next year I will post the most beautiful pictures of these lovely flowers. I think they either rotted from overwatering, or I didn't plant them deep enough.

pray for me, he, he, he
 A couple years ago I found this lovely lime plant, that I bought for my birthday.  I am so happy to announce it is actually growing a cute little lime.  (Please feel free to ooooh and awwww)  I have no idea when to harvest, but I shall have to research on Google once again and see what it has to say.
Isn't she precious
Speaking of new life, Latisha and baby Brinley are doing wonderful.  Latisha is now in her 29th week   and is starting to feel the signs of the third trimester (a little more tired and achy), but she is excited it and knows is all worth it.
Isn't she adorable!
I hope you are all having a great day, God Bless!


  1. Oh love that little lime how exciting!
    Latisha :)

    1. It is. Hmmm, sounds like chicken lime tacos soon. :)


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