I said in my last post that I would get some updates on here of our fun activities but that has taken me a bit to get to. So, I sat down and started but it got too long. I prefer to read short blog posts, so I decided to do a few short ones and maybe you will enjoy life with me.
Let's begin by going back to Labor day. For several years now we have spent Labor day with the same group of friends. This year they were able to reserve a group camping spot. So several of us were able to camp together. It was such a blessing as all of our children, grandchildren, and my parents were able to make it. For some reason the weather was the hottest it has ever been when we have camped but we still made the most of it. Sierra, Danika, Cassandra, and I decided to take the hike with several others to where hot water comes out of the mountain. It was an incredibly hot hike and Cassandra chugged her water and then mine. The hike is about a mile up and a mile back. There are no toilets on the trail. So lesson learned for Cassandra, (he, he, he). She was almost running down the hill. One of my other girls had heat exhaustion and we had to get her to cool water and shade for a while till she was able to continue, that got a little scary. Then for my part, I went up the hill to get a lovely picture of everyone, and on the way back tried to step over a log that was a bit bigger (or my legs are a bit smaller) than I had realized. It seemed like such a long way to the ground as I fell in slow motion. I had hoped that no one saw that so I jumped up and tried to continue down to everyone, but yes some had seen and I couldn't really hide it well as my hair and clothes were covered in weeds. A true picture of gracefulness. I was fine except for a little hurt pride. I am afraid they might not invite us on the hike next year. :)
We did have a great time. Alex and Ivy had to leave Saturday, but we enjoyed every moment with them. They had to be home for church, the life of a pastor. Sunday, we had a great out door service and potluck, and Monday we headed home along with hundreds of other campers. The road home was slow and go but we were in no hurry so we enjoyed the scenery.
David got a hammock for his birthday, and several of us got to enjoy it |
getting dinner ready |
Link even made it |
Our kids have married others in the camping group, so we had a full family group picture with both set of in laws. |
breakfast |
August enjoyed his pancakes |
Add caption |
Loved time with Weston |
The kids enjoyed the tepee |
a fun bike ride |
my mom looking over the lake |
Weston and I going for a walk |
The hot hike |
The boys enjoyed time together |