It is our honor and privilege to celebrate our nation. We live in the greatest country in the world, not a perfect country, but a great country. Last Sunday at church our pastor took a few minutes to have us all pray for our nation and a for our President. There is much negative we can say about both, I am so grateful it is not me that is being torn apart by the media and all the way down to the everyday Joe. Bashing our nation and our President only brings division, but prayer will unite and bring prosperity. I am so thankful for this nation that the Lord has allowed me to live in and for our President who has a desire to bring our nation back to where it should be. As you celebrate your freedom, be sure and remember those who have blazed the trail to those freedoms you hold so dear. The police officers, the government, the soldiers, and the President need your respect and your prayers. God bless America.
I have mixed emotions about fireworks stands. They are overwhelming to me and I always want a good deal. If it isn't too busy I enjoy going and buying some fun fireworks. As a fund raiser for Sierra and Danika to go to National Fine Arts, we were able to work in a fireworks booth this year. It was fun. The first day was quite slow, but each day it got closer to the "Day" got a little busier. I highly recommend buying fireworks early. There is no discount for coming at the end, just a long hot line, with cranky people :). We had the early shift so we are blessed to be done and getting ready for a party and lots of fireworks. I am sure I will have more pictures but I just wanted to post these and say "HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! and God bless the USA.
the kiddos ready to go |
our last day |
our first day |
Happy 4th of July!!!