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Monday, January 16, 2017

Welcome Baby Weston

He is here!!!  Our second grandson, Weston David is here!  As many babies do, he decided to keep mommy and daddy up all night before making his grand appearance.  Ivy was actually a couple days overdue, which I have never experienced.  I can be quite impatient and was blessed with having my babies all early.  Ivy was very patient and was a trooper to the end.  I was expecting a big grandbaby because he past his due date, but he was a perfect 7 pounds 2 oz.  We were unable to be there for the birth but were able to go and see them shortly after.  Brent, Latisha, and August were able to join us on the trip.

Alex had sent a picture of his first born and as I am sure many mothers do, I could see so much of Alex in the picture.  When we got there and I was able to hold Weston the similarities were so much so, it was almost like having a flash back to holding Alexander as a baby, soooo precious. We all enjoyed our time holding him, snuggling, and watching the faces he made.

Our time there was short and as always it is so hard to say goodbye.  I know the next time we see Weston he will have changed and grown, but we are so grateful that Alex and Ivy are close enough that it shouldn't be too long before we make the trek back up to see them.  Our younger kids stayed home this time, so they are looking forward to coming up and seeing their new nephew, soon.

Welcome baby Weston.  Congratulations Alex and Ivy!  Cherish this time, because as the saying goes, they grow up so fast.  We look forward to seeing you soon.  
Weston and Grandma :)

Weston and Grandpa

Grandpa and his grandsons.

Here we are with our new grandson

Three generation picture

Me and my boys

Latisha is finally an auntie

August wanted to hold Weston, but wasn't sure when he was holding him,
Then wanted to hold him again

The new parents and their baby

So grateful we all got to be together.  


  1. Oh my goodness. Beautiful baby!!!! Congratulations! They're going to make wonderful parents. I know this is a great blessing, after such a loss, and I pray the lord can help Latisha and Brent through this. Praying for you guys.

  2. We are so happy to be an Aunt and uncle now. We pray that God will just bless your little family! Love you guys!

  3. Congratulations on your newest precious grandbaby!! I'm so jealous! One day, I will get to post all about a new grandbaby..... one day. *sigh*

  4. It was so special to have you all here! We can't wait for your next visit! I might be biased, but I think Weston has the best grandparents in the world :)

    1. Why thank you! We are pretty blessed to have him. Looking forward to our next trip!


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