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family photo

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Seasons

Well here it comes, another change of season.  I love it when seasons begin to change.   When winter comes and the first white snow covers the dirty ground, or when spring is in air and the daffodils expose there flowers and the fruit trees shine forth the beginning of new fruit blossoms, or the summer goes into full bloom with all the plants fully dressed in leaves and flowers, my heart beats with excitement.  Today I was driving down the road and saw it.  I have been waiting for it and I saw it.  The beautiful trees beginning to change colors.  The trees were just in the beginning stages.  The stage where they are all rainbowed with color.  There they were with a lovely green stripe, followed by a beautiful yellow stripe of leaves, then at the end a vivid red stripe- all on the same tree. So gorgeous, decorated with the different colors of the season of life it is in.  Kind of like me right now.  I am in a season of life full of much color and changes.  One in where I have been blessed with an array of colors of my season.  One color is that of a mother with an adult child away from home, another with a child just graduated and spreading wings.  Then there is the color of the child entering her teens and another entering her adolescents.  Not to mention the early elementary child, the child with colors all her own, and finally the baby whose year is filled with so many firsts.  They are all apart of my season of life and I am blessed to be sharing this season with my best friend of 23 plus years, my husband.  I looked at myself the other day in the mirror and thought, boy do I looked tired, but I hope what the world sees is that I am colored with the season I am in and am delighted to be blessed with this season of life.  Yes, I do get tired and sometimes it shows but I am so excited with where God has me and wouldn't change one of my colored stripes for the world.

I wish I would have had my camera with me so I could share a picture of that tree with you but since I didn't let me share some lovely pictures of my little ones all streaming with color.  God bless and have a great day.

Mama and baby

Aidric starting to sit on his own

He loves his tongue
Cassandra loves to entertain him
Aidric's first time on swings with the big sissies.
God bless and have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. I love fall too!! Awwwe, Aidric is getting so big and he sure looks like his daddy!!!


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