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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Time to Mourn

Life is so full of ups and downs.  We rejoice in the up and draw closer to God in the downs.  Six years ago a wonderful man was placed in our lives.  In 2007, David's mother married one of the most giving man I have ever known.  His name was Bill.  Last Friday he was taken to the hospital for back pains and Saturday he died.  It was very unexpected and quite heart wrenching.  Saturday morning the kids had gone to the hospital to see Grandpa before he passed.  David was already there but I stayed home with the two youngest  (Isabella had a terrible case of the stomach flu).  I had been wandering around the yard and it hit me what a blessing Bill had been.  I looked at the swing that he and Alex had built, the fence he helped us put up in the pouring cold rain, the arbor he and David built for my birthday, and the garden boxes he and David built for another of my birthdays. I thought about how in almost every room in my house Bill had been a help.  The bassinet stand for the baby, the fan in the girls room, the paint in the bathroom that had clumped up and he came and tirelessly took it off and then spent the rest of the day helping me paint....   I really could go on and on.  Bill was a reliable man always willing to help.  When our washer broke he was here to help because "a family your size should not be without a washer."  Then when I would thank him he would always reply with a big smile "not a problem."  Bill truly did all things with joy and our hearts break for the loss of such a kind hearted man.

Saturday night as the girls and I did Bible I read them John 14:1-3 "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, belief also in me.  In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am there ye may be also."  I encouraged the girls that Grandpa had Jesus in his heart so now he was with the Father and that because we have also accepted Jesus as our Savior one day we will see Grandpa Bill again.  In verse 27 Jesus said "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

What an awesome God we serve.  That was where I was in my Bible reading that very day and I was able to comfort the girls with those words.  We definitely cried and mourn for our loss but what a joyful day Grandpa had.  I can only imagine what it will be like when we meet our Lord face to face.  As believers we have such hope.  May the hope and peace of the Lord be yours also today.  God Bless

our Hawaii vacation with my parents and Paula and Bill
at Alex's graduation

At Aidric's birth

At Latisha's graduation

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


We had a very blessed Sunday as we presented our children to the Lord.  As a Christian parent it is our responsibility and privilege to raise our children in the Lord.  Deuteronomy 6:5-7 says And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.  And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down and when thou risest up.    We know from Proverbs 22:6 that if we "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  That is our desire, vision and now commitment.  Sunday was such a special day as we dedicated Aidric to the Lord.  One of the special parts of the service is when the pastor seeks the commitment of the church to also assist in this area of training them in the Lord.

I always get so nervous for baby dedication because I never know how the baby will do up in front of the church.  I hope they don't cry, spit up, or mess their pants but you just never know.  Well, all went well.  Aidric was adorable and and it was a special time for the whole family.

Our pastor praying for Aidric

Then we saw the next step as our daughter, Sierra, was baptized on her own testimony.  Is was beautiful and we were just so blessed as parents to see her follow in the Lords foot steps and be baptized in water.  The dedication we made 13 years ago was a commitment we made of  Sierra to the Lord and now Sierra by her own choice has made her own commitment to the Lord.  A blessed day indeed.

Here Sierra was 13 years ago at her dedication

Here is Sierra at her baptism

Me and my girl.
God has been so good to us and I rejoice in his blessings as we try our best to honor him with our children.  May you have a blessed day.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cassie Girl is Five!!!

It had been five years since we had had a baby in the house.  Cassandra was a surprise to many in our family who had figured we would be done with four children.  But to our delight we were blessed with a new addition to our family.  Cassandra made a very quick arrival.  Her labor was only 3 1/2 hours.  David and I had gone to drop Latisha off at a party and then were going out for what we thought would be our last date night before baby.  But on the way to Latisha's party I started having contraction, so, we never made it to the dinner.  Although the lovely nurse at the hospital made sure I got dinner after Cassandra was born.  

Alexander used to refer to Cassandra as his "Cassie Girl."  Well the name stuck and we all call her nickname is Cassie Girl.  It is fun to see how different nicknames come to be.  This just fits Cassandra, she is our bubbly "Cassie Girl."  She has such an entertaining nature and comes up with the funniest things.  Well, our Cassie Girl, after five years, our fifth child born on the fifth is now five.  (Say that fast five time :)  Happy birthday to our little girl who fills our days with such joy.  

Love you, 

Cassandra and Alexander got to have their family party together

Monday, June 3, 2013

The 20's

Wow!!!  Today my son turns 20.  It is so amazing, but a little surreal.  What can I say, you have a baby and you know they're going to grow up and you look forward to it, but with each new stage of life comes a little tinge of "wow, wasn't it just yesterday I took the test and there was this wonderful plus sign that signaled the beginning of a wonderful adventure." Then all the first for both us and him.  First announcements, first morning sickness, first maternity clothes, first ultrasound, first feeling of life moving in my abdomen, first swelling in every part of my body, first labor pains, first cry, first holding OUR BABY, first feeling of intense parental love.  The first went on and on and now our first child to hit 20, yes it is surreal.  We are very blessed with 2nd, 3rd etc...  

Today though we celebrate our first child's birth and thank the Lord for Alexander.  God has so much good in store for you and we are so proud that you have chosen to serve the Lord full time.  I know you will make an amazing pastor some day.  Happy birthday my Sonshine, As long as I'm living my Sonshine you will be.   ...  Mom

Have a great day.
