family photo

family photo

Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy 23rd Anniversary

Our anniversary this year was just a few days after Aidric was born.  So our wonderful daughters set up a table in our room, made us menus and served us dinner a friend had brought.  Aidric slept peacefully beside us as our daughters served us and refilled our glasses.  What a beautiful way to celebrate our anniversary with the children God has blessed us with.   I am so grateful to be spending this life with my husband of 23 years now.  I know when we married we had no idea the wonderful things God had in store for us.  Blessed is an understatement.  Thank you David for being my husband and companion.  Thank you Lord for blessing our marriage.  

Our table 

The menu

Adric updated picture.  My little boy.  
God bless and have a great day.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Isabella!!!

My dear sweet Isabella is turning 3 today.  What a blessed day.  This last year has been a challenging one but God has been so good to protect her and bring her through.  We are still anxiously awaiting leaps in her speech but have seen lots of growth this year.  I know this next year will be wonderful for you my dear daughter.  Mama loves you so much.

God bless,


Friday, March 22, 2013

A Story is Told

Every mother has a story or two or three or more.  I find it a pleasure to watch as you ask a mom about when she had a baby.  I have found even the most reserve of women will share when asked about the pregnancy or birth of her child.  Wether it was a couple days ago or a couple decades ago, most moms light up as they share their story of the miracle of bringing life into the world.  Truly that is what it is, a miracle.  Every step of the way from the time they see the little line on the stick, to the nausea, ultrasound, movement of life within the womb, to the day they give birth, they are a part of a miracle.  I have just taken part in this miracle and it is with great pleasure I share a little of God's blessing with you.  My story may be long but I want to record my memories so feel free to skim.
.;[addy and baby
May I begin with saying how great a God I serve.  From close to the start of this pregnancy I had been faced with trusting in God.  When I first found out we were expecting I shared the news at a party and immediately a person there questioned me if I was sure, it was a bit early.  So I took another pregnancy test and it was affirmed.  At my first doctor appointment they suggested an ultrasound, no baby could be seen, just a yolk sack.  Once again my concern was struck.  But my faith in a God who was in control help to calm my fears.  My stomach began to swell and before I knew it we were in the 2nd trimester.  The ultra sound revealed a perfectly healthy baby boy.  But because of my advanced maternal age they recommended more testing.  I refused and chose to trust.  Reading old maternity books and waiting for the movement of my baby seemed to be behind.  But in his time he began to move and I knew he was good.
Mama and baby

Until this time I had all my babies at least one and a half weeks early.  As the time approached I saw the familiar signs; the braxton hicks, the urge to clean and prepare everything, the mile marker of where I wanted the kids to be in school when the baby came, the feeling that at any time now I could have our baby.  The kids began to get anxious too as they would see me glancing at the clock and want to know why I was looking at the clock, was I having a contraction?  Then it was, "Do you think I should go to this or could the baby come today."  I think I had an easier time then others, as I would receive phone calls from family and friends of their sleepless nights waiting for me to call them to announce labor.  The week and a half marker passed and still waiting for baby.  I'm sure this sounds silly to those of you who have gone over your due date but, no, I am not a patient person and given my baby history people were getting anxious.   As I was sleeping one night I began to experience a couple good contractions, then nothing, then a couple more.  Could this be it.  I started watching the clock.  Then all the sudden a rather large jolt happened in my womb.  The only thing I could think was how Elizabeth spoke in the Bible of the baby leaping in her womb.  This happened a couple more times.  Then nothing.  I was concerned and began to pray.  The contractions stopped and I prayed more for the baby to move.  He did and what a relief it was.
Latisha and Aidric

A couple days later we had a doctors appointment.   Before the appointment I got to go to lunch with my dear friend, Amy, who treated me to a wonderful tea house in celebration of my birthday.  We laughed over my perfect round tummy that was blessed with no stretch marks or scars.  You should get a picture she teased.   I went to my doctors appointment.  My blood pressure was up but the doctor said the baby's heart sounded very good and the baby was head down, but wait that may not be the head.  "I think we should do a ultra sound" she said, "He may have turned."   The offices ultrasound machine was quite old and they had a hard time telling, but she was pretty sure the baby was head up.  I began to feel tightenings in my stomach and I told her that it didn't matter let's do a c-section and just get him out.  She spoke of a transversal that could turn the baby.  Unfortunately she did not do c-sections so I needed to go see the doctor across the street.  We went to the next doctor and my tightenings started to get regular.  I knew I was having contractions and they were about 3 minutes apart.  The new doctor confirmed the baby was head up but felt we could turn him.  My doctor had told him I was really uncomfortable with the transversal and he tried to calm my fears.  The contractions started to get stronger and he told me to go immediately to the hospital and he would meet us there.
Sierra and Aidric

At the hospital they were awaiting our arrival and almost had everything ready.  My regular doctor had the birth room set up and the new doctor had the operating team in position.  My fears were trying to get to me, David began to call and let people know and asked them to be praying.  He placed his hands on me and began to pray, "God give the doctors wisdom and let this baby be born healthy and soon."  The nurse gave me a shot to stop the contractions.  This worked for about 1/2 an hour then they started again.  My blood pressure was still up a bit but the baby's heart rate was good.  The epidural was given and my lower body began to numb.  The doctor began to turn the baby.  Immediately the baby's heart rate dropped drastically.  He waited and tried again.  Again the heart rate dropped.  "Let's go to the OR (operating room) and try one more time, if the heart rate drops again I will get this baby out in less then a minute," the doctor said.  He asked if we wanted to pray and David prayed again.  They all went into action and began wheeling me out of the room, where in the hall my children and family awaited me and each gave me a kiss.  My eyes blurred and tears began to burn on my cheeks.  I prayed "God give me strength and protect my baby."
Danika and Aidric

Once we began to move again I focused on the task ahead.   We went in the elevator to the the operating room where David and I were greeted by a bunch of masks.  There was a whole team, at least 9 people, in masks awaiting us.  They put me on the operating table the doctor said "Here we go."  He began to push on my stomach then stopped and said "curtain."  Someone grabbed a curtain and put it up in front of me.  "Your baby will be here in just a minute I thought."  I could hear them talk as the doctor spoke commands and everyone seemed to flow into position, like a well orchestrated dance.  I tuned out their words and stared at the curtain in front of me.  My body was being tugged and pulled and then "a wahh , a wahh. "  The most beautiful sound in the world.  "A wahh, a wahh"  it went again.  The miracle of new life lay in the room and nothing mattered, I knew all was well.  "Baby's here," they announced.  "It is a boy I asked?"  "Yes," they said "It is a boy."  I could feel more tugging and pressure and felt very nauseous.  They gave me some medicine in my IV and the nausea subsided.  Then they brought this new perfect life to my face and said how beautiful he was.  Oh, yes he was and is.  I kissed him and then they whisked him away.
Cassandra and Aidric

They worked on my stomach for quite a while and I lay there trying to be patient.  There went my "perfect" stomach.  Amy was right we should have got picture.  I large scar now lays across my abdomen but it is worth every stitch to have our new beautiful gift from God.  By the time I left the OR and then the recovery room, family and a couple friends had greeted our new baby.  It was time for me to hold him and nurse him and just love on him.  What had begun as a normal day, then turned to excitement and fear, had now turned to elation and gratefulness.  My new baby lay in my arms and all is well.
Isabella and Aidric

We still had no name but within the next couple minutes chose Aidric (blessed leader), Josiah (God is my salvation or fire of God), Wesley (after David's grandfather).    I pray he will be a blessed leader of his future family whose God is his salvation and be a light shining for his generation.  Thank you for letting me share my new birth story.  We have been blessed by friends and family bringing us meals and my daughters have been amazing to help with everything as I recover.  My recovery is going well.   I recommend a natural birth over a c-secion if possible.  I smile now and it is time to go hold my little one again.
All our kiddos skyping Alex in hospital
The doctor said the heart rate decreased because of a kink in the umbilical chord.  The c-section was the best thing for him.  God knew and in His perfect timing, in His perfect way Aidric entered this world healthy and with everything in place for his delivery.  May God richly bless you all.  Thank you Father for this new gift.

He's so wonderful
Happy parents

Friday, March 15, 2013

He is Here!

all the kiddos

baby with daddy

baby and mama
Aidric Josiah Wesley:  7 lbs 1 oz, 19 1/2 in.  So in love with this little guy.  More information to come.  We are so blessed!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Another Year Older

It is such a lovely day, a bit chilly, but lovely.  A good day for a birthday, mine that is.  Another year older.  What a blessed year I have had.  As I was praying this morning I just felt full of thanksgiving.  About 17 years ago, I had a very strange attack of some kind.  It lasted for over an hour.  At first I was shaking, then having a very hard time breathing and then went blank for a while.  I remember thinking I wonder if I am dying.  I thought I saw Jesus then turned and saw my grandpa, who had recently passed away, Grandpa told me it was not my time and to go back.  My lungs filled with air and I sat up.  I was all clammy and a bit disoriented I had been laying on the floor.  David ran me to the emergency room where they could find nothing wrong with me.  Later I found out that some women from church had felt a real need to pray for someone but they didn't know who.  I believe it was me.  Was there really something wrong, had I been hallucinating, was I healed?  I don't know but this morning I was thinking back to that and what I could have missed out on these past additional 17 years.  God is so good and he has blessed me with 5 more children since that time and numerous other blessings and friends that I am so glad to know.  Everyday is a blessing from the Lord and I look forward with expectation to all He has planned for this year, especially with the soon coming birth of our new baby boy.  My body is stretched and swollen with this pregnancy and it is all worth every moment.  Last night we got to celebrate my birthday with our traditional fondu (recipes were posted last year on my birthday if you would like them).  It was a lovely night.  Latisha had given me a lovely pedicure, Sierra gave me a lovely card with beautiful Bible verses, Danika gave me a beautiful card with pictures she had drawn, Cassie a lovely hug, Danika lot's of love, Alex called and Skyped me, and last week David got me a pregnancy massage with a massage therapist that actually brought her table with her to my house.  God is good and His mercy endures for ever.  Have a wonderful day and God bless.

fondu with family

My wonderful hubby and me.

The girls felt it necessary to get all the candles on the cake, unfortunately I was unable to blow them all out this year.  I blame it on my crowded lung space.

Latisha's lovely pedicure on my swollen feet.  :)