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Monday, February 4, 2013

The Naming Game

Here we are, time for count down.  One of the most important things a parent has the privilege to do is to name their child.  Yikes.  It can cause a little stress.  When David and I were expecting our first child we decided that he would name the boys and I would name the girls with the approval of the other.   This was a little more complicated than we had expected.  So many choices and what's in a name, a rose by any other would smell as sweet, right?  A name sounds good, and then you think of the meaning or someone who has that name that you would not want your child named after.

With Sierra, I was taking my morning walk and her name just came to me.  I was at a women's retreat when the speaker spoke of her daughter Danica, I thought if I have another daughter I will name her Danika.  Then before we were pregnant with Cassandra I asked David what he thought of the name "Cassandra" as we were driving on vacation.  On the way home I couldn't remember the name and asked David if he remembered.  Then a car drove in front of us and the license plate said "Cassie."  That was it I screamed.  The funny thing with Danika and Cassandra is I was pretty sure I was going to have a boy.  But when we had the ultrasound I wasn't surprised to find out they were girls.  God knew even before they were created.  I fell in love with the name Isabella.  Then we found out unfortunately it was the vampire in a popular book at the time.  I didn't know that, but people assumed that was where we got the name.  We almost changed it but it was too late, the girls and I really liked the name.  And besides it ended in an a.  It wasn't until after Danika that we realized all our girls ended in a's and Alexander begins with an a, so you can't change a good thing, right?

With this one we have a few names that begin with A's that we are considering.  No great conclusion yet.  I wish we had one.  It makes it so much nicer when we pray over the baby to use a name and not just "baby boy."  But we will get it.  It is such an honor to name a child.   What will be the name?  Guess we'll know soon.  Until then baby boy is doing great and I'm getting so excited to meet him.  I actually found some adorable the boy bedding and our mothers got it for us, what a blessing.  It is so exciting to have baby boy blankets again.  We are so blessed to have our girls and boys.  God is good and may His name be exalted above all else.  Have a blessed day.


David and Alicia lovin the belly and the baby within :)

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