family photo

family photo

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Together Again

Finally our son is home from college.   We all loaded up the other night and met him at the airport.  The little girls were in their pj's and a few of his friends came too, with lovely signs.  It was so good to see him and give him a big hug.  I'm so glad he is here even if it is only for a bit.  Well it is count down to Christmas.  The Danika was in the Kids Christmas program, Latisha helped direct the acting for it, Sierra was in the adult production "The Gospel According to Scrooge,"  Alex got his finals done, Cassandra was in the preschool performance of the Little Drummer Boy, Isabella's good, David is off for a few days,  I believe the baby keeps growing every day (at least my stomach does), and I got the pajama's done and wrapped.  Through all the busies I do my best to keep the focus on the reason for the season.  Every evening for Prayer we read a Christmas story and sing carols.  What a blessing to celebrate the birth of our Savior with so many around the world.  May the true meaning of Christmas fill your heart with joy.  God Bless


1 comment:

  1. Awwww.....Isn't it the greatest feeling to be together as a family again!:) Love the pictures<3



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