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family photo

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Shadow is Gone

Alex and Scotty when we first got Scotty

Scotty's first Christmas with our family

Here I am with my shadow

The guys

The kids playing dressup with the animals

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About 9 years ago we brought home our cute little poodle.  Isn't funny how a pet can become such a part of the family.  We got him when we had found out we were expecting another daughter.  We felt we needed a little male influence in the house.  We had a girl dog, Sheila, and Scotty was very attracted to her. I can still hear Latisha in the back yard screaming at Scotty, "Scotty, stop trying to make puppies with Sheila."  Too funny.  Scotty was a our door alarm.  Whenever my niece would come to our home, her dad told her that the door bell was the "doggy bell."  This morning we found him on the ground lying very still and having a hard time breathing.  David took him to the vet and they felt he had had a stroke and it had paralyzed him and that it affected his breathing.  They said we could take him home and be with him for maybe a couple days until he passed but that he would be very miserable, or they could but him to sleep.  What a terrible thing to have to say to a vet, just go ahead and put him to sleep.  Well, he is no longer in pain.  I thank God for blessing us with such a faithful dog.  David said he always could find me by finding Scotty. Last week when I was so sick he was by my bed.  He was my Shadow.  

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