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Monday, March 14, 2011

A Love Story part 2

Song of Solomon 2:7  I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up nor awake my love, till he please.

Well, here I was in a relationship with one very cute guy.  Over the next couple of years we began a process of dating and breaking up then dating and breaking up.  Each time I would go through a tremendous heart ache.  I had truly given my heart away again.  Had I not learned from past relationships that it hurts.  What does it take for one to change the pattern of life they have going. 

Finally, I invited him to church.  He actually came.  I was raised in a Pentecostal church and this Sunday was a live one.  I wanted to hide under the pew.  But something happened and we both went to the front during alter call and gave our lives to God.  It was so wonderful.  An older lady in the church told us that God had a call on our lives and He does.  Things started to change in our relationship.  God was now involved and a month later later David asked me to marry him.   It is amazing what happens in our lives when we let God be in control. 

It wasn't a real romantic proposal by some standards.  We were both college students and this was a big step.  I had shown David the ring I wanted and he went and bought it!   He had come to my house for my mothers birthday dinner.  I was frantically cooking and he asked me to come in the other room with him.  How could he do that, he obviously didn't see that I was very busy.  Finally he dragged me away from the kitchen took me in the other room and got down on one knee.  "Alicia Marie" he said and I mockingly said "David Anthony"  (not his real middle name just to aggravate him a bit).  He started again and now says at that moment he almost took the ring back.  Then he got out "the box" and said "Alicia Marie will you marry me?''  I was totally overwhelmed.  The idea of marriage seemed so natural, I had shown him the ring I wanted, but now the reality of it blew me away.  I stared at him.  Then I said "yes, oh yes."

Continued tomorrow...

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