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Sunday, January 23, 2011

My First Post

Hello.  I feel  inspired to start a post.  Basically, just for fun and for hope that I might me an encouragement to someone out there.  God has blessed us with a wonderful life.  I have a wonderful husband who encourages me to stay at home and be the wife and mother God wants me to be.  I have gone through times in my life where I have felt less of a person for wanting my "job" to "just" be a wife and mom, and to teach our children.  I know that this is a honor and privilege and to be a career woman is not God's best for me.  I am living my dream, the dream God has placed in me and I am excited to share with you.  My husband and I have been married almost 21 years.  We got married while still in college.  A couple years later we had our first son, Alexander.  A beautiful healthy baby boy.  We were so blessed and I was stretched in ways I had never been stretched before.   I was getting my degree in Early Childhood Education so thought I was prepared to be a mother.  God has taught me so much more than my degree could have ever.  A couple years later we were blessed with a beautiful little girl, Latisha.  She came with a new set of rules and I could never imagine leaving my babies with someone else.   3 1/2  years later we had Sierra, followed by Danika.  Then we thought we were good.  But God placed on my heart a strong desire for another child.  I would pray asking God to take this desire away or let us have another.  So here came Cassandra and now we have Isabella.  What a blessing they all are.  With our oldest 17 and our youngest 9 months our lives are blessed and we stretch from diapers to diploma.  We are about to graduate our oldest and I am already feeling pain in the entering of a new stage but God is good and we are excited to see what is ahead.    


  1. Way to go Alicia! Brave enough to enter blog land!

  2. YOU STARTED A BLOG!!!! WAHOOO!!!!!! It looks nice and I am so excited.


  3. I love your blog mom.


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