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family photo

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

PJ Time

Let the sewing begin
And I am off... time to get going on Christmas PJ's.  It is only a couple months away and all I have done is cut out the material, but I feel that I have a good start.  I go through spurts of working on the pajamas.  The other night I cut all seven pj's out (with no material left, cutting it very close, scary) in one night.  Off course that was a very late night.  Next, I place all the separate pj's pieces for each person in a different bag and write their name on the bag.  Now I just need to sew them together.  For some reason every year I cut the pajamas out to the size of the pattern per person, but they generally come out big.  So, I started with my jammies and am trying to make it the way I want it.  Then, hopefully, everything will go smooth with the others.  I had an idea in my head of the design for the year, I just have to figure out how to make it work, and of course I need to find the open space of time to sew them.  I enjoy making pajamas every year, even though I get stressed.  I find something very rewarding about making outfits for my family.  On Christmas eve everyone opens their one gift, they know what it is but they still get excited.  Then quickly run to get their new pajamas on and see if they actually fit or look good (some years have been better then others :)). Christmas morning we all sit around in our matching pajama's, read of Christ's birth, and bless each other with presents.  Guess that means I better get to work, Christmas will be here before we know and it would be good to cross the jammie making off my list.  Happy autumn and look here, Latisha is now 30 weeks pregnant, three-fourth the way there.  We are so excited.  Have a great day and God bless.

They are looking good!
Unfortunately, Isabella had another seizure that went off
and on through out the night, until 2:45 am.  

We were all pretty sleepy the next day, but Sierra stayed close to her
as she worked on her school. Isabella was so tired she didn't
move much either.


  1. I always love our family pjs, and I can't wait to see yiu how yours turn out this year! :)
    Latisha Walter

    1. I am impressed that you got all yours done. Way to go!


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