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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Weekend Getaway Surprise

Last weekend we got to go surprise our son, Alexander.  It was such a blessing.  David had to fly to Kansas City on Monday for meetings.  Wednesday, Aidric and I joined him.  It was Aidric's first flight and proved to be quite an adventure.  We had three flights to take to get there.  At the end of the first flight one of the flight attendants commented on what a wonderful little traveler Aidric was.  I said I hoped the people in the third flight felt the same.  The second flight he slept through.  Then came the third flight.  We made it to the final 20 minutes of the flight, but as we started to descend Aidric had decided he had enough and wanted to go for a walk.  That was not an option so, yes, we became one of those people.  Poor child screamed for the next 10 minutes.  But we got there safe and sound and were so excited to get to Alex.

The next day we jumped in the car and drove 3 hours to his college.  It was so exciting.  Ivy knew about the surprise and was in charge of getting Alex to us.  She had called him to have him meet her in the art building, but Alex said he needed to take a nap first.  Ivy persisted and he came.  We could hear them coming around the corner, so we sent Aidric out to meet him.  Alex said he thought, "that really looks like Aidric," and then we popped out and he was in total shock.  Alex is on the track team and had a track meet that weekend.  David had called ahead and the coach excused him from the meet.  Alex couldn't understand why but when he saw us all the pieces were falling into place.   The surprise was a success!

We got to spend the next few days enjoying time together and getting several wedding tasks checked off the list.  The day I flew in they had snow but by the time we left it was sunny and 68 degrees.  It was really nice to spend time with Alex and Ivy but the weekend came and went so quick.

Sunday morning we had to head back to the airport.  David and I had to book our tickets separately.  David had booked through his work and Aidric and I booked using our sky miles.   We were unable to book the same flights and unfortunately my flight from Minnesota home was over 4 hours.  There were some computer problems and so we sat in the plane quite a while before lift off.  It was quite late and Aidric was exhausted.  After about an hour in the air Aidric had almost fallen asleep when they came with the refreshment cart.  Well, for some reason that disturbed him and he proceeded to cry for over 30 minutes.  It was a sad tired cry, not like the scream from the flight going there, but none the less we became one of "those people" again.  He never did go to sleep on the flight but we made it home and he fell asleep in the car on the way home.  It was all worth it to get to see our son Alex and Ivy.  What a miracle flying is.

Here are a few pictures from the trip. God bless.

Aidric and I getting ready to board our first flight

Aidric, Alexander and Ivy on campus

Me, David, Aidric, Alexander, and Ivy 

Ivy and I got to enjoy girl time at a cute tea house. While the guys got some male bonding in.

Aidric a little exhausted from shopping holding Bubba's hand

Aidric and I at the bowling alley

Alex and Ivy at the bowling alley

David the high scorer for the night of bowling.  


  1. It was absolutely SO wonderful to have you here! Thank you for going through the traveling stress to make it happen!

    1. oh it was so worth it and gave me another funny story to share.

  2. So glad you all got to be together!!! You are a brave trooper for all that traveling alone with a baby in tow!

    1. It really was fun, except for those couple moments. He really was quite a trooper. Although you should have seen me running through the SLC airport as our second flight was delayed and we almost missed are third. I'm sure that was quite comical.


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