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Saturday, December 28, 2013

My Baby Girl is Now an Adult

Today is Latisha's 18th birthday!!!  What a joy and blessing she has been.  When my pregnancy with her began it looked like it was about to end and I was so very upset.  I cried out to the Lord and he heard my prayer.  Latisha was born and has been a huge joy and blessing.  I can still remember the scare or losing her and the doctor telling me there was really nothing he could do this early in the pregnancy, but there was something God did and we are so thankful.  This is a day of celebration.  Thank you Lord for Latisha and thank you Latisha for being such an amazing daughter.  We love you and are so looking forward to all you have in store this year.  God bless you, Latisha.


Dad and Mom


  1. Happy Birthday, Latisha!!! WOW!!! I remember just talking with you when you were 12 and now you are about to be married!!! You are a doll!!!


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