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family photo

Monday, May 21, 2012

Courageous Men

Good morning.  What a fun but busy weekend.  Saturday we finished up adding two new garden boxes to my garden area.  I'm so excited.  It more than doubles what we had.  Now what to fill them with?
Lots of work goes into making these and I am grateful to my husband, son, Bill, and Jon for getting them made and filled with dirt.

Then Sunday we had 14 men at our church take the Courageous Resolution.  It was so exciting.  So many men committed to their God and family it really touches my heart.  We had been using the Courageous curriculum for our Sunday School class for the past few weeks and this was the mens commitment.  At the end their families came up with the husband/dad and prayed together.  Very special.

  After church we had a potluck for them and others at our home.  It was great fun and a perfect day.  David and Jon put up a big net on the side of our volleyball area to keep the ball from going over the fence into the neighbors pasture.  It might look a bit unique but it got the job done.  We had a lot of people  and it was such fun.  For some reason we had several people bring enchiladas, including myself.  But it was all so good.

I hope you all had a great weekend also.  God Bless


Friday, May 18, 2012

The Right Time

There are three things I love to talk to people about.; one is their salvation story, two, their love story, and three, their baby story/stories.  I believe it is because they are all miracles.  They are personal stories that people are passionate about and all are different.   It is funny to me that the world will tell us to wait until the right time for all of the above.  What does that mean?  For us, had we waited until we were sinless we would be without God.  Had we waited until we had finished college or had the perfect jobs we would have not got married for several years past the time we married.  Had we waited to have kids until we had enough money and patience for them, I don't know when that would have been.  The right time in my opinion is very relative.

Children are such miracles.  The "older" I get the more of a reality this miracle is.  I do not take for granted the children God has given to us.   David was in his senior year of college and I was still a ways out from graduating when we had Alex.   We have absolutely no regrets for having Alex when we did.  Were we in the best of finical situations, no.  Were we real mature, patient and selfless, no.  But we were willing to bring life into this world and the blessings we received from our decission is far above what we had ever expected.  God has grown us in all those areas and I'm blessed to have had all my children, even exceeding the "normal" family size.
Our family

Marriage, Marriage, Marriage, what can I say about that.  I went to a concert the other day.  Warren Barfield, the writer of the song"Love is not a Fight," from Fireproof  shared his love story.  I wish you could all hear it but the abbreviated version was: he was young and not in a stable job but was in love and certain that this woman was the one God had for him.  He talked to his mom about this and told her how obviously this was not "the right time."  His mom encouraged him to marry this girl.  They got married and now have two wonderful children and God has been their provider.  Many times marriage is thought of as something we wait for until we have done this or that and are ready to be "tied down."  I really hate that analogy of marriage as a negative thing.  God instituted marriage in the beginning.  He saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone.  He knew that Adam needed a partner.  Could God have been that, maybe, but that was not his plan.  God blessed Adam with a wife, his helper.  This is the great mystery (Ephesians chapter 6) .   Marriage is a calling, a sacred union, a mystery to show the World Christ and the church.  Two are better than one because their return is better.  We more than double what we can do when we have a Christian spouse (Leviticus 26:8, Deut 32:30).  Marriage is not to be entered into lightly and I don't want to encourage anyone into a marriage that is not what God has for them.  I pray that marriage would be seen as a blessing and not an end of the fun, a beginning and not an ending.  My advise is that you seek God and the advice of those around you who love you before you enter into the union of marriage.  Your ministry should only increase when you marry.  Marriage is a blessing, a good thing.  The party is not over but just begun.  I am so glad that I am the wife of David's youth.  We have shared our whole adult life together.   The trips we took, were trips we took together.  The first home we bought was one we bought together.  Our adult struggles and accomplishments we shared together.  I guess what I am trying to say is that Marriage is a blessing and when God tells you it is the right time then be blessed until death do you part.   You can listen to Warrens song he wrote by googling "Warren Barfield the right time."  It is a great song.
our wedding as we were both 19

Our first trip together, our honeymoon

after splash mountain
our first, puppy, house and Christmas

Ok so I have saved the best for last.  The best is God loves you and gave His son for you.  Today is the day of salvation.  We have no guarantee of tomorrow.  Choose you this day who you will serve.  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  I have heard people say that they just aren't ready to serve the Lord.  They want to play in the world some more first.  That is just what Satan wants you to do, consume you with the things of this world so that the things of God have no value to you.  God loves you and this world has nothing to offer you that is good.  Only God is good.  Once God is first in your life and is your Lord, your life is better, your marriage is better and your children will be blessed.  Every day I have lived with Jesus is truly better then any day without.   I am not trying to say that being a Christian, a spouse, or a parent is easy but they all come with a blessing when we follow God's word and honor him with what we do and say.   May God bless you and I pray that you all know him as your Savior.  God bless and have a great day.
Isabella's baby dedication as we commit our children to the Lord

Our pastor praying over us and our children


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Family Friendly

Good morning.  I hope this day finds you all well and happy.  I had a great recharge weekend.   Our church had a ladies retreat in a lovely mountain setting.  The Word and worship was great and I enjoyed time with women.  The camp we went to was one I have gone to many times.  The first time being when I was a camper, probably around 10 years old.  I was reliving past moments and looking for familiar spots.  Saturday I took a peaceful walk.  It had been snowing off and on and I asked a couple ladies if they would like to go with me, they looked at me as if I were crazy.  So, off I went by myself all bundled up and found animal prints, the forest coming back to life in spite of the falling snow, and fun obstacle course that had been modified from when I was there as a child.  I came back feeling all wonderful and shared my findings with a couple other women who decided to go with me and check it out.  We also spent time at the lake and it was so peaceful.  I wish I had pictures to show.  It was nice.

Last week we had a joint birthday party for Sierra and Danika.  The local Wahoo's had a new bowling alley.  Being a "family fun center."  David and I thought it would be a great idea to take the kids there for a party with friends.  Ok, so you should always check things out before you go places but I assumed it would be fine.  I must say I was a bit taken back when I got there.  Oh, it was so loud, which is normal for kids places, but there were big screen tv's all around, show casing things I do not find family friendly.  They had a food bar with televisions showing this fighting wrestling thing that was not family friendly.  This is not a sports bar.  Then in front of the girls as they bowled were huge screens playing music videos.  I voiced my concern to another mom, we thought, well the girls won't pay attention.  But as I looked they were all standing there mouths open, staring at what was being flashed in front of them.  What they were showing was not g rating.  They were women flaunting their bodies, guys dressed creepily and other ungodly things that saddened me.  I felt bad that I had taken the girls there and sad that a place claiming to be family fun was not family friendly.  While on our cruise we noticed all these Disney tv shows aimed at children that made fun of the family unit and focused on selfishness and boy/girl relationships.  We don't have cable and watch very little tv and I was reminded why.  "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death,"  Proverbs 14:12.  I could go on for a long time on my soap box of what is wrong with our society but that is not what I will do today.  Today I just want to send out a warning to parents, check things out before you trust what is meant by family friendly.  We are told to protect our children and raise them in the fear of the Lord.   We came back to our home and the girls had a wonderful time but next time I will be more cautious of what is meant by the misused idea of family fun.  I pray the girls were not scarred and maybe if enough of us voice our opinion family fun places will truly be family safe.

God bless have a great day.
