Off we go on another school year adventure. Yes, we have already started. So many exciting things in our upcoming year that I felt led to start school a bit early and relax when we need to. We hit it hard this week and it felt so good to have goals accomplished and to be able to sit down and teach my kids again. I enjoy homeschooling and am so thankful the Lord has blessed us in this area. Latisha has been a big help in the past and since she is now married and moved out, I was trying to figure how to make it all work. But God is good and I believe it will all go well. Latisha is still helping us by taking Isabella to therapy and working with her at our home. I am truly blessed with children who are willing to help and work so hard. Every year I try to make our schedule the best it can be. Each of us has an hour by hour schedule and we do our best to meet that. It takes all of us to make each day go smoothly, and with God's help and my darling daughters, it is good. Sierra, Danika and even Cassandra are such big helpers. Obviously we have to be flexible and be willing to step in and help out where needed, but as I love to say it is all good.
Alex is also getting ready to head off to school for his final year of college. Yes, it still makes me sad to see him leave. Next May he will graduate and be an ordained minister and also have a music productions degree. He has worked so hard each summer to earn money to go back to school. Private school is so very expensive, even with the scholarships and the little we are able to help, it costs him. This summer he has worked hard for a painting company and comes home dirty and tanned. Not the best job in 90 degree plus weather but he has made it through another season. In addition to his job he did an intern at a local church, helped with the youth at our church, and was in charge of the worship at a kids camp.
So Alex's summer was very busy but the topper was his new relationship. When we began going to our church nine years ago we had the girls in the girls ministry club. At the first awards ceremony this delightful girl helped hand out the awards. I was struck by her and wondered how old she was. She looked like the type of girl I had always hoped for for my son. I couldn't believe I had just thought that and quickly brushed the thought aside. After all my son was only 13, what was I thinking. In the past little girls would flirt with my son and I would get this very protective feeling. The girl helping hand out the awards was a beautiful homeschool girl named Ivy. She and Alex became friends but nothing more. A few years later I felt led to begin a Bright Lights group and Ivy was on my heart to begin it with me. She had always been such a wonderful example to the girls around her. She was very excited and we began the group. Our relationship grew and I was so blessed to have her as my friend. Then a few weeks ago, Alex and Ivy had a very serious talk and well, now they are dating with a purpose. Both of them are desiring to be in the ministry and they have always worked well together in the ministry. I am so excited to see what God has planned for their future and pray his protection over them as they head off to their final year at college together. Ivy has her own blog and posted about their relationship. Here is her link if you would like to hear more.
Joy in the Journey: Summer Blessings:
Ivy helping hand out awards |
Alex, Ashley, and Ivy in the homeschool production of Little Women several years ago |
The newlyweds at David's birthday party |
Ivy and Alexander |
David and I |
Warming himself by the candles |
Cassandra explaining the pictures she made for her daddy |
The kids having fun with the balloons. |
Well, that is all for now. God is good and I hope you are all having a blessed day.
God bless,