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family photo

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sweet 16

Latisha is turning 16.  Can it really be?  Yeah, she is excited she can finally drive at night.  My little Christmas baby.  What a joy and blessing she is.  She has always enjoyed doing things her own way and from the moment we found out we were having her things have gone that way.  I had finally finished college and was excited to have another baby.   I felt I might be expecting so I took a test.  It was negative.   Then I started spotting so I was quite bummed.  Then a couple days later I decided no, I think I am pregnant and took another test.  It came back negative, I was bummed but still thought I was pregnant.  Again I started to spot.  What was going on?  I was very upset this time.  I sought God and felt compelled to call the doctor.   I thought they are going to think I am crazy.  They were very nice and told me to come in.  They gave me a pregnancy test and it was positive.  So they took my blood and said my count was good.  A couple days later they took another blood test and my hormones were increasing just as they should.  So after an emotional start I got to really believe I was pregnant.  I was so excited.

Within a couple weeks I began to blossom.  My clothes were already getting tight.  It was as though my body knew what was to come and wanted to make plenty of room.  I had a very healthy pregnancy.  Then I went in for my ultrasound.  My due date was January 1st but the not so pleasant ultrasound tech was annoyed and told me I was off on my due date and she moved my due date to the 15th.  She would not guarantee the gender because I wasn't even 20 weeks.  The doctor came in, looked at the ultrasound and said "I don't see anything there, if it is a boy I would be very surprised."  I immediately started buying girl outfits.  Oh this was so fun.  

My weight gain was following a better pattern from last time.  Even with my pregnancy ending during the  Christmas season I gained only 35 pounds.  Ten pounds less then with Alex's pregnancy, since then I have always gained 45 pounds.  Then 3 days after Christmas I started having contractions.   I began denial, and started cooking and cleaning dinner.  David was sure we were about to have a baby though and started video taping.  Alex, meanwhile, was going a bit nutty.  I could't sit down.  I was having contractions every couple minutes and would pause in my pacing to breathe through it.  I finally consented to David calling my Grandma to come over and watch Alex.  It didn't take long for her to get there but by the time she arrived I was definitely sure I was about to give birth.  We went to the hospital and they asked me if I wanted anything, I said maybe in a while.  David said "no, now, hook her up now."  I was really concerned about a needle being put in my spine.  But they did it and told me I would probably feel one more contraction and then I should be good.  I never felt that or any other contraction and well, I felt great.  I feel very happy for my friends who choose to do it all naturally but I am a wimp when it comes to pain and I was so grateful to be able to lay there and watch my contractions go up and down and enjoy every minute of giving birth.  The doctor said push.  I did and she was out in three contractions.  Such a difference from Alexander's birth, where I may have thought I was about to die.  

Latisha had beautiful dark hair and everything about her was perfect.  They cleaned her up and brought her right to me.  She stared at me with her deep brown eyes and we just both connected in such a way I can't explain.  We now had a wonderful little boy and a beautiful daughter, how blessed.  She weighed only 6 lbs 2 oz.  So tiny and wonderfully made.  Within a few months she chubbed up a bit.  She started walking just after 9 months old  and then she went of the charts below the normal weight gain.  I was concerned but the doctor said look at you, she probably won't be any taller then you, she now is taller than me.  Her hair turned a beautiful auburn color.  She loved to play with her big brother and they were adorable.  Once she became a big sister she took on a motherly role and has been an amazing help with each additional child.  Latisha is very self motivated and loves to see everything done in a certain way.  She is such a big help and encourages me.  I now watch her as she has matured into a beautiful young women.  She has chosen to go against a lot of the teen age pitfalls and hold a standard for the Lord.  I am so proud of her and am looking forward to where the Lord is going to take her.  Happy Birthday Sweet Pea.  I Love You. 

Here is a rather large photo display of many highlights of her first 16 years.

Latisha 1st b day
Alex with his first baby sister

Latisha 4th of July

She loved to get in cabinets 

Showing off her curls at the beach

flower girl

another flower girl

loved Disneyland with Alex

Now Latisha was a big sister


another birthday with friends

She loves the beach

skiing with her friend

daddy daughter date

big sissy to Danika, she was such a help

playing the piano after acting out the Christmas story

Yellowstone park

She wanted to stay up and watch the Olympics but fell asleep

Christmas service

neighborhood 4th of July party Alex and Latish were final two in jump roping contest


horseback riding with Uncle Carlos

Latisha wanted to get the biggest pumpkin she could carry

Christmas cruise in the Bahamas

 Birthday Party

homeschool Little Women Production

Honor Star cermony

Sign Language at the Homeschool Christmas program

sledding with family

taking a jump

holding new sister Cassandra


poodle skirt costume

start of her collection from her grandma 

soccer team

hula dancing in Hawaii

New baby sister Isabella

Pray of commitment as an honor Friend

Highly scared on the blast off ride

camping with our friends

9 1/2 foot snowman

Last years birthday party

Latisha this summer

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

 What a wonderful Christmas we had and I hope yours was just as nice.  We were able to spend the evening and day with my parents and sister's family.  The food was wonderful and we had a great time celebrating Christ's birth.  Here are some fun pictures.

Christmas eve we celebrated Latisha's upcoming 16th birthday with 16 presents :)

Cassandra with our new puppy

Alex and Danika did a duet

Sierra and Alex doing a duet

Sierra solo

Cassie and Lauren duet kindof

our finished pjs

amazing food

I was so excited to get this necklace.  It has a charm for each child with their birthstone.   I love it.